How many times must I forgive before I can say..."Enough, no more forgiveness for you!" ~ Seriously?!?!?

QUESTION: How many times are enough to forgive someone so we can say, "Okay, you have met your limit of wrongs toward me...'No More Forgiveness' for you?" ~ Maybe we can find our answer this way ~ How many times can I be forgiven if I do you I get 10 mistakes, 100 mistakes, 500 mistakes...Do we ever want to be told, "There is no more forgiveness for you!"?
Forgive as He Forgives! Let me add...Make sure your forgiveness is "for real" and not just idle words. We remember to guard our hearts, but that does not mean there are no second chances.... But don't you love that washing of peace over you when you do FINALLY and TOTALLY give it to Him. Forgive and put the burden completely on the one who did you wrong...even when they don't ask for forgiveness. Our giving the gift of forgiveness is not based on another's asking for it. We forgive and set ourselves free...What an awesome feeling...FREE!!
....Because YOU know they did wrong and the burden and requirement - for you - is to forgive them. That sets you free! Whether or not the other person ever feels quilt is nothing you can control. You release yourself of the wrong of non-forgiveness, then give the burden and let them carry it TOTALLY. Because they probably realize that admitting guilt makes them responsible...they might not ever ask for forgiveness. We must forgive and release  it TOTALLY to God. My sadness is that they will have to answer to God for their wrong because if they don't ask Him for forgiveness - it is between them and Him. But, for me - I AM FREE!
As I said earlier about guarding our heart and the scripture I used - Proverbs 4:23. We forgive, but sometimes we have to move on. We can not stay around people who will hurt us, take advantage of us, say unkind things to us and so on...God does not call us to do that. That is a reason He gave us memory - not the only reason - but one of the reasons so that we will remember what happened so that we will not allow it to be repeated. There are some people that the devil will use to try to break us down, those people might have to be avoided.
If there is a continuous offender - Forgive - Release - Walk away...
(Matthew 18:21-22) - 21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”  22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.
This scripture is not believed to be a literal number but rather a metaphor for not counting because it does not matter as long as the person seeking forgiveness is truly sincere. This passage does not imply that we should let someone take advantage of us by insincerely asking for our forgiveness time and time again. Why do I say we are not to be taken advantage of? The main reason is we are to be Christ like. Jesus was often tested by the religious leaders of His day. They were simply trying to trap Him, not ask sincere questions. In those cases He would turn the tables on them. Christians are not commanded to be fools. We are commanded to be wise, but gentle. 


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