Our precious heavenly Father and Creator of all, please be with our dear sister and Your child, Jan. Although she has cancer and has been put on Hospice, You are still in control. You are our Great Physician! Dear Father, You are all mighty and all powerful and have all healing power to bless Jan with a healing miracle. She needs more time here, Holy God, so that she can see and spend precious time with her first grandchild. Please God, please grant her more time with her loved ones. Reverse this cancer and delay its trauma on her body. I have known of miraculous healings before and I know that it is in Your power to give this blessing to Jan if it be Your will. She is ready to come Home because she has been one of Your faithful, but I plead with You that her Homecoming can come at a much later time. I make this plea before You in complete faith trusting that You will do what is best for Your child. You love her with an everlasting love and through that love, I pray for her restored health, energy, and a new vibrancy in life. It is in Your Son’s Most Holy Name that I come before Your Throne, Amen. †

Dear heavenly Father, please touch Doris in a very real and special way tonight. She believes, but please help her in her unbelief and in her fear. Please Father, let Your child feel Your presence and give her the comfort and peace to know that You are near. You know that Your child is sick and she needs Your healing power to reach deep within her and remove her illness. You are our Holy Creator, all powerful, all mighty, and the Great Physician. You can do all things because You are above all others. I pray that Doris will deepen her faith, trust, and her relationship with You. It is only through You and the gift of Your Son that we have a hope of eternal life. I lift Doris before You and speak restoration and renewal over her life, dear Father. I come before Your Holy Throne and make this plea in the Name of Jesus, Amen. 


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