Experience God...........

"Give me understanding and I will obey your instructions; I will put them into practice with all my heart." Psalm 119:34 

There have been many days in a Christian’s journey when God is reduced to something on a to-do list. Somewhere along the way, we picked up an unwritten checklist of sorts explaining what "good Christians" are supposed to do:

Pray. Read your Bible. Go to church. Don’t cuss. Be nice.

Being a rule-follower will leave you feeling that something is wrong, a feeling of restlessness, reacting with anger, and feeling hollow….going through all the motions, but don’t feel connected to Jesus. Stop simply reading your Bible because it is a thing on your Christian checklist. Instead, experience God….Get to know God. 

Look at the words in the Bible as a love letter….God’s love letter to a broken spirit. A love letter not meant to simply be read … but a love letter meant to be lived. Read your Bible with great expectations of connecting more deeply and living more authentically with God.


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