Some Sweet Day......

This was a very timely post as last night I was reading an article by a minister who referencing the Old Covenant and the New Covenant...the "former Covenant and the better Covenant." I had never heard the Covenants described in that manner. I appreciate that through the teachings of such men as Bobby Valentine we are able to discern that the Old and New are a continuing story. What would the New be without the would not exist. Such a beautiful narrative of God's love that flows throughout. I love this...."The promise is: The Lord will be the God of his beloved people. The People reciprocate in acknowledging the Lord as “their God.” The Lord will live with his people, dwell in their midst, together within the “land”

… the New Heavens and New Earth." Takes me back to Genesis 3:8-9 ~ "When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the Lord God walking about in the garden. So they hid from the Lord God among the trees. Then the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” ~ God walked in the garden and spoke audibly to Adam and Eve. I think of this text so often and it never fails to give me chills as that visual swells within me imagining that one sweet day....we will also literally walk with our Creator and will talk with Him. Such joy feels my soul! “ I am with you” … “For I am with you” … “my Spirit remains among you” ~ Haggai 1.13; 2.4-5 †


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