Twisting the texts...........

Teaching against dancing and trying to prove it it the Bible, which has much positive to say about dancing, is ludicrous. This is just the tip of the "better safe than sorry" legalistic mode of teaching and living in this denominational tradition. It is just sad! We should teach from a place of love, grace, mercy, and out of freedom that we have been blessed with through the saving blood of our Savior, Jesus the Christ. Hell is not for the saved, but for those who are non-believers. Hell is not a fear for those who are walking with Jesus.

Regulations made by man through twisting of the texts to make them fit a preconceived doctrine is sin. Those who promote such and cause others to walk away out of feeling they can never measure up will be held accountable. Fear tactics are applied by those who have yet to grasp God's grace and an understanding of what it means to truly be a follower of Jesus. It is our heart's condition....not a set of stifling rules to govern us with a tight reign.

 I suppose Jesus also had no clue what He was talking about when He told the parable of the prodigal son, in which there was celebratory music and dancing (Luke 15:25) in the home of the father, who is clearly a representative of God in this passage.

"Meanwhile, the older son was in the fields working. When he returned home, he heard music and dancing in the house," ~ Luke 15:25


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