
Showing posts from January, 2017

He is!......

So many places in Scripture we are told that God spoke and something happened...He commanded and it was done. Psalm 33:9 is one of those texts..."For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast." In my "One Year Bible" reading tonight, I was reading in Exodus 8th chapter and after the Plague of the Frogs and Plague of the Ghats, the magicians say in verse 19 “This is the finger of God!” WOW! Look what happens when God speaks....Look at the power of one finger o f God! How can we ever doubt Him?  If we have active, living faith....He has the power to do anything that we ask in His name. He is our El Shaddai - Almighty God! Our Holy Father is known by many names and each is a window into Who He is. Praise, glory, and Honor to our Yahweh. The significance of the name Yahweh is that it is confirming God’s existence but most importantly His presence...."He is!" Amen! †


Never stop dreaming! God loves to hear what you and I are dreaming about. He wants to know what we want Him to do for us.Why don't we dream more? You and I have a very big God....Our God has no limits so we should never put our limitations on Him. Dream dreams for God and see what amazing things will happen! Amen! †


Salvation is always the result of God's love for us, not our love for Him. It is His grace ~ not our efforts ~ that saves us. Still, God's grace requires a human response. Christians have a responsibility to make Christ known in all the world so people have the opportunity to respond. "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."   Matthew 28:19-20 † Amen!

Releasing Stress.........

The One Who created all is good and kind and "He who keeps you will not slumber" - Psalm 121:3. He never rests so that we can rest in Him. No matter how much we stress and worry, it will never NEVER change a circumstance, it will never make a situation better, and it will never bring healing. Quite the opposite actually as stress is the cause of many health problems, many that are deadly. Our minds know it, however, our actions usually show something quite different. Peace, comfort, and rest will never be attained without living with a trusting faith in Him. Easy… Not at all! We have all tried handling life on our own and it just doesn't work. So, when stress starts to creep in, reflect on the scripture in Psalms above....we can rest because He never rests. Amen! ✝

Mountain Moving Faith.......

We who are followers and fellow believers in Jesus proclaim our faith in Him and His power; however, is our faith what I should be….what it could be? Faith gives us great power. Does our faith even measure up to the size of a mustard seed? Jesus speaking in Matthew 17:20, “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”  We are not alone in our ba ttle for faith….an ever growing, deepening faith. Most, if not all of the “greats” of the Bible at one point or another had doubt or had a faith that didn’t measure to its full potential. The great take from this is that if we have active, believing faith, we are His. If we have faith, we can call on Him to help us develop it as we let go of self and truly give our lives over to Him.  Let’s move some mountains! Amen! †


Life is change. The longer we live, the more we know that the only thing constant in this life is change. Whether our changes seem hard or make us happy, change teaches us that life is fragile, uncertain and temporary. Relationships change. Locations change. Jobs change. Our bodies change. We change. Nothing lasts forever. Well something lasts forever. God. “For I, the LORD, do not change …” Malachi 3:6. In Psalm 102:27, the psalmist declares, “But You are the same, and Your  years will not come to an end." God doesn’t change. He has always been and will always be never changing. I’m so glad to know that we serve a God who stays the same....No matter our change, God is our constant and dependable anchor. And because His plans are unshakable, His loving intention toward us never wavers. His Word is dependable, so we can find comfort in our relationship with Him whatever change comes our way. Amen! †

FROM THE INSIDE OUT..............

Well, I took an 8 day breather from Facebook and seems that I chose just the right time to do so. I have heard that a lot has been said over the Inauguration and others weighing in with their point of view regarding the various rallies and protest around our country.....most of which have been very negative. We must live by design, His design, and with His purpose for our lives in mind no matter what is going on around us. The people we choose to lift up, to quote their rheto ric, and to give admiration to provides an open window to our core...our soul. Does our words and actions align with Whom we claim to belong? Satan is bold and running rampant across this land and many are falling prey to his cunning lures.  In Romans 2:12 we read, "Fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of


Children and grandchildren open our eyes to see the beauty in our world and understand more fully all the love we have to give. They are thankful for the tiniest of gifts. Many times, we as adults, let the little treasures of life slip right by without ever even realizing they were in our presence. Even worse, we put conditions on our love. But to become as little children.....imagine how this world could be. Amen! 


I stand in my kitchen preparing some dishes for my family Christmas dinner tomorrow while listening to my Amazon Echo playing Pentatonix Christmas songs. I have been wrapping gifts most of the day and am still not through. Tears start to run down my face as I am overcome with the emotion of how blessed I am. I start to think about all in this world who are not as fortunate as I am....those struggling with illness, loss of loved ones, financial collapse, marriages ending, thos e in prison, those with no homes, the hungry, the widows, the orphans scrounging the streets in third world countries for scraps to eat....on and focus changes to them as I cry out to our Father on their behalf. There are many things that we can do individually and collectively to make our world a better place to live. It is up to each one of us to choose love over all without exception or discretion. We can make 2017 the best year yet....we must just decide that we are going to do our part and if each of


Out of all the great gifts and blessings I received today, the best one of all was the words spoken by John Franklin as he said the blessing for our meal. As we started to gather in a circle, I asked John Franklin if he wanted to say the blessing. He told his papa, "I might need some help with this one today." But, when that little fella started to speak the words just flowed as a child far beyond the age of four years. He thanked God for his family, for baby Jesus, for Christmas, for other people, for God and after saying a few more words… he closed his prayer… In Jesus Name amen. By then, Ashleigh and I were in tears. What an amazing little fella! I'm so thankful that my grandchildren are being reared in a family who prays and prays together. John and Jack are so blessed to have a mommy and papa who pray with them daily.


It's all about the "heart." Our love for family and friends....Our love for Jesus and our Heavenly Father....We cannot forget what Jesus spoke to us in Matthew....Because our hearts are compassionate, we will love and help the lost, the hungry, the thirsty, the widows, the orphans those who are in prison, the homeless....If our "heart" is right....all else will fall into place. Shine with the love of Jesus! Amen! †


Reflecting, as well as, looking forward. Sometimes victory seems so far away because we measure it by the end goal. And end goals can seem overwhelmingly huge, daunting, and just plain hard to reach, Instead, if we start measuring our victories by the smaller choices we make each day, victory won't seem so impossible. Looking forward to 2017 and all the blessings that it will bring through Him. He rejoices when we rejoice so I pray that we all give Him much to be excited about in the coming year. Amen! †


No matter our current circumstance, we cannot allow it to dictate our faith! We are never matter the struggles and battles we are striving to overcome. Jesus said in Hebrews 13:5 "I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Therefore, our faith and assurance must remain strong because He is walking this journey with us. In 1 Peter 5:7 we are comforted with the words, "Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for YOU." We can be assured that IF we love God, He will make all things "work together for good." Not everything will be perfect and sometimes it appears that all around us is falling apart, however, IF we love Him...truly love Him...everything will be ok. Amen! Our hope is not in a New Year but in a God who makes all things new. As we turn our calendar let's trust God to turn our hearts to Him. Praying and believing for 2017 to be our best year yet. Let's make it our goal to bring more souls to Jesus! Amen! It's time to