I stand in my kitchen preparing some dishes for my family Christmas dinner tomorrow while listening to my Amazon Echo playing Pentatonix Christmas songs. I have been wrapping gifts most of the day and am still not through. Tears start to run down my face as I am overcome with the emotion of how blessed I am. I start to think about all in this world who are not as fortunate as I am....those struggling with illness, loss of loved ones, financial collapse, marriages ending, those in prison, those with no homes, the hungry, the widows, the orphans scrounging the streets in third world countries for scraps to eat....on and focus changes to them as I cry out to our Father on their behalf. There are many things that we can do individually and collectively to make our world a better place to live. It is up to each one of us to choose love over all without exception or discretion. We can make 2017 the best year yet....we must just decide that we are going to do our part and if each of us follow through, what a change we will see. Sending you all my love and praying for each of you to feel His blessings today and in all of our tomorrows.
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!


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