Life is change. The longer we live, the more we know that the only thing constant in this life is change. Whether our changes seem hard or make us happy, change teaches us that life is fragile, uncertain and temporary. Relationships change. Locations change. Jobs change. Our bodies change. We change. Nothing lasts forever. Well something lasts forever. God. “For I, the LORD, do not change …” Malachi 3:6. In Psalm 102:27, the psalmist declares, “But You are the same, and Your years will not come to an end." God doesn’t change. He has always been and will always be never changing. I’m so glad to know that we serve a God who stays the same....No matter our change, God is our constant and dependable anchor. And because His plans are unshakable, His loving intention toward us never wavers. His Word is dependable, so we can find comfort in our relationship with Him whatever change comes our way. Amen! †


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