No matter our current circumstance, we cannot allow it to dictate our faith! We are never alone...no matter the struggles and battles we are striving to overcome. Jesus said in Hebrews 13:5 "I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Therefore, our faith and assurance must remain strong because He is walking this journey with us. In 1 Peter 5:7 we are comforted with the words, "Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for YOU." We can be assured that IF we love God, He will make all things "work together for good." Not everything will be perfect and sometimes it appears that all around us is falling apart, however, IF we love Him...truly love Him...everything will be ok. Amen!

Our hope is not in a New Year but in a God who makes all things new. As we turn our calendar let's trust God to turn our hearts to Him. Praying and believing for 2017 to be our best year yet. Let's make it our goal to bring more souls to Jesus! Amen!

It's time to stop running away from things that are uncomfortable and hard. It's time to confront issues, whatever they are...in our life and allow Him to help us get past them and heal. Praying 2017 will be a year of release, refreshing, and renewal for all.

Miracles happen when we learn to live through our eyes of faith. We need to release our stronghold....set our doubts free....and let God do His work in our lives. WOW....it will be an amazing 2017!

Have you been wasting valuable time trying to look back over your shoulder? Let go of the past and focus on what lies ahead! 2017 will be a year of renewal....releasing the past and looking forward to His promises that are yet to come. Amen! †


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