He is!......

So many places in Scripture we are told that God spoke and something happened...He commanded and it was done. Psalm 33:9 is one of those texts..."For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast." In my "One Year Bible" reading tonight, I was reading in Exodus 8th chapter and after the Plague of the Frogs and Plague of the Ghats, the magicians say in verse 19 “This is the finger of God!” WOW! Look what happens when God speaks....Look at the power of one finger of God! How can we ever doubt Him? 

If we have active, living faith....He has the power to do anything that we ask in His name. He is our El Shaddai - Almighty God! Our Holy Father is known by many names and each is a window into Who He is. Praise, glory, and Honor to our Yahweh. The significance of the name Yahweh is that it is confirming God’s existence but most importantly His presence...."He is!" Amen! †


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