He is able!

God is able! No matter what is going on in our lives, He stands with us. No matter what answers we receive, He will remain our God. He is our strength, our comfort in times of trouble. He covers us with His amazing love. Life is unpredictable, but He remains steady. Our God is everlasting to everlasting. Amen! †

A readers response:

Your comments are, as usual, "Right On". and I appreciate the encouragement you send through these messages. I would appreciate hearing what you, and others that read and comment have to say about the doubters and skeptics that respond in a negative way for a lot of different reasons and are reluctant to put their trust in God's word. They read and many times respond therefore have not totally shut God out of their lives. God is good!!

My response to the reader:

Thank you, R_____. You are always so kind and I pray that you and your beautiful bride, L_____, are doing well. I rarely get negative responses. I would imagine that those who do not agree with me just don't reply. You asked about the "doubters and skeptics." What do we do about them? My response is to pray for them. There are so many people in this world who are still seeking and searching for what they don't even realize is missing in their lives….they just know there is a void. We are not all at the same place in our journey. I was born into a family who loved our Lord and I was reared to know Him from birth up. I was one of the blessed ones. Those who have been reared without an active faith in Jesus and our Creator have a struggle before them. They aren’t aware of the precious gift of His Holy Spirit. That is why we, the saved, are sent on a mission to go out and teach the world of His saving grace, of His return, and eternity. Because of our knowledge and relationship, we should always count it as a blessing, but it doesn’t elevate us above those who are lost….we must show meekness, loving kindness, concern, and offer hope. We can’t have the same expectations on the lost as we do to those who are believers. We must always give grace, pray that they will see Jesus in us, and share Him in all ways that are given to us. Often times, people are reluctant simply because they don’t know…..they just don’t know how much He loves them…individually. We must always respond in non-threating words and actions that offer zero intimidation. We cannot judge them as only they have traveled the path they are on. Often times the hearts are pliable, but covered by a layer of protection. I hope I have answered your questions in some manner that gives you my abbreviated perspective. :)



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