
There's no shame when any other organs in the body fails, so why do so many feel shame if their brain is broken? Mental illness continues to be seen as a spiritual deficiency or character flaw by many Christians. It has been reported that nearly half of evangelical, fundamentalist, or born-again Christians (48%) believe that people with serious mental illness can overcome their condition through prayer and Bible study alone. Mental illness, on any level, is one of the saddest, most dreaded diseases faced and very difficult to overcome or be healed from. I know many, including my sweet sister-in-law, who fought a strong battle against the demons of this disease. She was a loving, compassionate follower of Jesus who prayed and read her Bible.....went to church; however, it still took her life. 

Those who are walking this journey are on my mind and in my prayers today. My heart and prayers go out to all the families and support groups because I know first hand the helplessness they are dealing with. It can be overwhelming. Please, please do not suffer this disease alone.. There is NO shame in mental illness. Ask for help! There are some who will whisper...while others quite boldly proclaim that if one takes their life they are destined to hell for eternity. My comment to that....Shame on them for making an already broken family feel even more pain because of your judgment. A person with mental illness is sick and not in control of their actions. I believe without a doubt that I will be reunited with my sister-in-law again. She loved Jesus....she was faithful, but she was sick. 

Praying for all effected by this disease and may those around these individuals and families show more compassion and love. 

Amen! †


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