Jesus stoops.......

Do the voices of accusations and condemnations ever stop? You're not good enough, you're not strong enough, you don't give enough, serve enough, you're not faithful enough. These voices that whisper... and even sometime our head of the lack of our worth. Who owns this voice? Does these voices of accusations ever shut-up? No, they don't because they come from the devil. There is an evil, malevolent force who is on a limited time table and on a short leash, but he has one goal....he wants to suck the joy out of God's people. He can't take our salvation, but he tries to steal our joy, our happiness, our fruit, our faith, our hope, our security....he tries to take whatever he can. Often times he recruits a lot of people to help him ....he uses friends, family to drudge up our past, and even ministers who preach all guilt and no grace. 

So many have been reared to only hear criticism and accusations that it makes it very difficult to feel and to know God's grace and His love. We read in John 8 the story of the woman caught in adultery. And in John 8:8, it says that Jesus "stooped down." I think Jesus does the same for us. He stoops and enters our world through the voice of a friend, through the embrace of a spouse, through the kindness of Scripture, and sometimes through the message of a minister. Jesus "stoops" to speak to our heart. 

At the right hand of God, we have an advocate. He is living do you make intercession for us. He stands as an adversary against our accuser. As believers, we have Christ in us and the hope of glory. When you give your heart to Jesus….God no longer hears the beating of our heart, but the beating of Jesus' heart within us. 

Each of us who are believers have the power living within to fight the voices in our head. The next time you hear the voices… And you will… look at yourself in the mirror and remind yourself to Whom you belong and Who lives within. Allow Him to reclaim every part of you and send the devil's whispers running. "It is no longer I, but Christ Who lives in me." (Gal. 2:20) How could we ever doubt God's love for us… He proved it! Be strong in the grace that is yours in Christ Jesus.

Amen! ✝️


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