I have finally come to terms and acknowledge that much of what I had understood and believed most of my life was gained from being spoon fed by well-intentioned parents, teachers, and ministers...Of course, I had done much Bible reading and studying....with the POWERFUL influence of a preconceived understanding of what the words already meant. I fought the Holy Spirit's influence away because in His trying to convict me, it made me question and caused fear within me. I realized that much of what I had believed and was taught was not from God, but from a man-made understanding set-forth by a set of rules, regulations, and a man-made hermeneutic. In addition, on a regular basis, texts were pulled from here and there without remaining true to their context....merely to be used to prove a heritage/traditions doctrine. 

I felt myself withdraw and want to fight the freedom in Jesus - It just seemed "too easy" compared to the restrictive, legalistic manner in which I was attached. The dogma side of me had made me very resistant to change or to opening my eyes. Because of this, over the years, it had caused me to be judgmental and even condemning to others who professed to be believers. That is why every time the Holy Spirit would nudge me to a clearer understanding - I would basically, by my lack of following Him - tell Him that He was wrong and I was right. I was - without realizing it - clinging to the teaching of man and would NOT allow the Truth to touch me. 

I slowly released the binds that had restrained me for so long. I opened my heart and my mind to the Holy Spirit's guidance, movement, and revealing. It was a difficult journey and at times, I still....out of fear....resisted and would slip back into the familiar, the comfortable. For one year, I read and studied deeper, prayed harder than I ever had before. I stripped away...and it was definitely difficult...my preconceived belief system. As I allowed Him to speak and I kept silent, His Words of Truth started to consume me, my eyes were being opened and the scales were falling away. 

Old habits - right or wrong - are difficult to break. I thank my Father daily for gifting me with a beautiful God-centered home, family, and church to be reared in. He gave me a perfect foundation. Having said that, we still must allow God, Jesus, His Holy Spirit, and His Scriptures to guide us in the way He would have us go....not in the way of any religious heritage or tradition. The one's who taught me....and taught me well....the doctrines and traditions of the group to which I was reared in were not teaching or believing from a place of false doctrine. They were passing on the traditions and doctrines of their heritage. I have learned that we can see, but at the same time....not really see clearly what is right before us. Far too many times, what we "see" as truth has actually been skewed by interpretations of man. Luke denotes the importance of personal Bible study in Acts 17:11 - "Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." These believers questioned the Apostle Paul, an inspired man of God. How much more should we question the words of those preaching and teaching to us. No man, no group is infallible; therefore, we can not place our whole confidence or trust in them. We must search and be open to His Truth....even when it counters what we have always been taught. 

The Holy Spirit has helped me break free and I am trying to let Him do His perfect work within me.


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