"MEGA" Churches........

Some question.....what is called by some (usually those who are not assembling with such a group)......a "mega church." Many times, that "labeling" comes across with negative undertones that can be quite condescending. There are those that question their service, their sincereness, virtually everything about them and judge/critique them from the outside having never gathered with them.

That would be like me watching the actions, lifestyles, etc of a family setting thinking that I know what is good for this family, judging them, and telling them how I can make their family and home-life better.

This is what I think in response to such thought:
If you are on the outside of a "mega church" merely looking in, how can one have a solid, informed, and/or reasonable opinion? Only those who are part of such a group can decide its purpose, outreach, the closeness, the friendliness, the bonding....and so on. Of course, in the larger groups there are MANY small groups. You can attend as many or as few of them each week as you would like. With each group, you have the opportunity to draw into more intimate relationships. Our location has between 1,500 and 1,800 people serving each week. We also have a place for those serving to gather and be refreshed with drinks and snacks and they are served by others. There are opportunities upon opportunities to become a small group.....even among the largest of crowds. 

Our outreach is massive. We give away the first 10% of our offering each week to the needy, training churches how to grow and be more present in their community, feeding the hungry, supporting various missions around the world. That amounts to many millions each year. I could go on and on, but it might start to sound boastful and that is certainly not my intent or the intent of the group I assemble with. We are in 18 locations (Number 19 - in Mobile later this year) and in 15 State of Alabama Correction facilities. In just one of our prison systems recently.....in only one assembly, we baptized 150 inmates. I would say PRAISE GOD for the "mega church!!!" Our mega church is MEGA in faith and service.....and small, intimate in our loving relationships. Anyone who has never been part of a "mega church" family should assemble with one for a year....really get to know all there is to know and love....then and only then can you voice an honest evaluation.

My continued response to questioning the "Mega" Church.......

I would never flip this line of questioning and subject smaller congregations to this reasoning. "Can you serve well because you are so small?" I know some very strong, faith first, servant-hearted congregations from where I and also my children grew up that have numbers gathering each week of less than 150....some under 100; however, they are passionate followers for Christ and do much good in His Name. I imagine God would be shaking His head wondering what in the world? Why are some questioning if a group is too large or too small? What matters is they are on fire for Jesus without limitations!


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