We are a people who have always been concerned as to where to draw the line in terms of unity and fellowship. There is obviously a place to draw the line since everyone is not a Christian, but we are reluctant/refuse to draw the line where Christ drew it, at the Cross. He accepts all who come to the Cross. 

Should we require more? In John 3:14 (Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up)....he likened His being lifted up on the Cross to the serpent that Moses lifted up in the wilderness. 

In Moses’ time the people were healed when they looked upon the serpent. They did have to look in simple trusting faith. And so we today must look to the Cross for our healing.
When people do that, we should meet them there in loving acceptance, for they have yielded themselves in humble obedience to Christ. That is unity and fellowship. 

If they are deficient in some ways (and who is not?) there will be time enough, in an atmosphere of loving forbearance, to show the way of the Lord more perfectly. They, in turn, will help us to see and do the way of the Lord more perfect!

John 3:14-15 "Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life. 

Without the Cross - We have no Savior! Amen!


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