I have told others before, message me anytime you need to have a listening ear. Mental disorders should never be closeted. It is a real shame that society, however, many times causes this to be a reality. One suffering from depression is forced to retreat into a corner and suffer alone. That should NEVER happen. 

Loneliness or aloneness is no way to cope with depression as it only sinks one further into the hole of helplessness. I do not judge as each one's story is their personal reality. No one has the "right" to tell another..."just stop being self-centered ~ get over yourself and stop acting like you have a problem." Those statements, or something similar, are actually made many times to those who are suffering from devastating depression. That is so very sad! 

I am here for anyone who suffers depression and needs someone to share with. We will take your illness before our Father who has all power to heal and restore. He has all power to give you a calm and peace when there seems to be none. Our merciful God knows your inner being like no other and He loves you with an everlasting love. Everyone needs someone that they can hold hands with through this life...someone who will listen, show love, be caring, and not judge. 

Lifting all of you now in prayer.

Dear Father, I am so comforted by the fact that You will never leave me. You are always with me, and I am safe with You. As I go through my life and take on each new situation, I'm comforted by knowing I'm not alone because You are by my side. Help me feel Your presence. When I feel uncertain or afraid, I pray You will comfort me through Your Holy Spirit and remind me that I am never alone because You, the Almighty God, have promised to always be with me.

 I pray my confidence in Him will permeate within everyone who reads/says this prayer. I pray that you will feel these words and trust in them to the core of your being. As often those around us walk away, Jesus, our Holy Father, and His Holy Spirit will never leave us. 

"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."  Hebrews 13:5


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