I wanted to share my prayer tonight for Raeleigh Jane, Josh, and Rachelin hopes that each of you will stand with me in this prayer and also lift it before our Holy Father. Hope everyone will lift their voices before the Throne and we will fill heaven with Raeleigh Jane's name. †
"In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears." ~ Psalm 18:6
Most gracious heavenly Father, I come to You in trusting faith, believing that You are our Holy Creator, the all-powerful, all-mighty One. Your precious little child, Raeleigh Jane, is very very sick, dear Father, and she needs Your healing power to pour over her weak and fragile body. Please bless Raeleigh Jane, with Your miracle of life without the suffering that she is now experiencing because of cancer. Circumstances can so easily overpower our thoughts and attitudes, merciful Father, but Rachel and Josh are continuing to give you all praise even during this horrible time. They are Your vessels being used for Your glory. Do not allow the powers of darkness to strip-away their wellbeing. Give them all an abundant, healthy, and joyous life as a family and as Your children. Do Not allow the powers of darkness to take over Raeleigh’s precious little body. Although satan might wreak havoc in their lives and in RJ’s body for a while, my plea to You, Holy Father, is that just as You gave permission to the devil to harm Your son, Job, You did not give permission for Your son to lose his life. I make that same plea for your precious little daughter. Return her body to her whole in the mighty and blessed Name of Jesus. Cast out ALL cancer from her tiny body, heal her stomach so that she can eat and nourish her body, release the pain that is within her, make her anew with you mighty healing powers. I am speaking Your promises over her life and I have confidence in knowing that You are there for Raeleigh, Rachel, and Josh. You will provide for them, dear Father. I know that You want only the best for Your children. You are our Holy Creator, our Great Physician and we know that through You all things are possible. God, when Rachel and Josh are overcome by the fear of RJ’s illness, I pray they will be able to feel the soft breeze of Your merciful love carrying their worries away. Show them Your hand, dear Father, and assure them that it is outstretched over them, that You are in control in order that they can rest in You. What we cannot put into words, dear Father, please listen to the pleas of our heart. Help us to stand strong behind Your biblical words, “by His stripes, we are healed.” You are a God of healing, a God Who loves to bless His children in all ways and we take comfort that You are doing this for Raeleigh Jane. I praise you for bringing Your awesome healing power into Raeleigh’s body. All praise and glory will be spread everywhere as a testimony of your healing miracle. We know our tongue has great power as you tell us in Proverbs that “death and life are in the power of the tongue.” I am speaking life over your baby girl in the Holy Name of Jesus. Life and not death will be hers. Loving Lord Jesus, You are the One that said, “let the little children come unto Me” and You placed Your hands on all and blessed them. I come to You pleading today that Your healing hand will touch the life of this beautiful little child who is at war with the cancer within her. Lord, her little body is racked with pain and life has become so difficult as the cancer is encroaching through her tiny frame. Be close to this precious little one I pray and hold her close to Yourself. Dear Lord, I beg….I BEG….that she might be healed and spared from any more pain. Josh and Rachel are baffled and bewildered by this disease as it was only a few short weeks ago, there precious pride and joy seemed so healthy and happy….just a normal little baby girl. Their lives have been turned-upside-down, they are heartbroken, they are scared, but their faith remains ever strong in You and they lean-in to You and Your mighty power. Please, dear Father, I ask for Your comfort and strength to uphold them as they seek to care for their little sick child. Lord God, give them both the wisdom and skill to nurse her back to full health, be with them in all of the medical decisions that have to be made, and be with her doctor and medical professionals in order that they will provide the perfect care and treatments just for Raeleigh Jane. You are our all sufficient Father God and it is in and through Your Precious Son and our Savior’s Most Holy Name, I bring this plea before You. Amen and Amen! ✝


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