Most gracious heavenly Father, thank You for revealing Yourself to us through the Bible and through Your Holy Spirit. Help us to read Your Word with an open and teachable heart. As we read the texts, help it to come alive to us. We want to know You more, and to know Your truth. Bless us with the continuous filling of Your Holy Spirit and allow Him to guide us. Make us realize when we are following traditions and doctrines of men and not in Your will for our lives. May we love with an everlasting love and temper our tongues to speak words of life...not death and destruction. Help us to be intentional with our actions and not reactional. May our hearts give forth to our lips flowing words of praise, thanksgiving, affection, encouragement, kindness, and truth in love. Help us to use our words and actions to create a world around us that is positive, uplifting, and that brings glory to You. May we be compassionate servers who put other's needs before our own as we shine Your Light. Thank you for all blessings that You give us daily. In Your Son's most glorious and holy Name, Amen! †


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