CANCER: Dark Days with the "Demon" Cancer....BUT God Shines Through! Amen!

Yesterday was a day filled with so many different emotions, senses, and information over-load....yet, so many unknowns. I had a scheduled appointment with my Oncologist, Dr. Cara Bondly for my follow-up since my last chemo treatment on January 23rd. She gave me a brief check-up and did lab work. Since I was only one week out from my bilateral mastectomy, there wasn't much for her to check physically. She did go over the pathology report from my surgery with me. 

I was very disappointed to learn that following chemotherapy treatments there were still "live/active" cancer cells in one of the five lymph nodes that were removed during surgery. They were only 2 mm; however, they were active and the report could not definitively tell me if I have a live cell/cells that could have moved outside of the lymph node. At this point, we know that IF that has happened it would be very small and might not show up or be detectable for some time. 

I further learned that I had a second type of cancer that we were unaware of prior to surgery. I was diagnosed with Estrogen Receptor and Progesterone Receptor Positive. This is a hormone based breast cancer. I was Stage 3 because the biopsies showed that I had active cancer in at least one lymph node. The pathology report also showed that I have/had Ductal Carcinoma In Situ Cancer. This means the cells that line the milk ducts of the breast have become cancer, but they have not spread into surrounding breast tissue. It is considered non-invasive or pre-invasive breast cancer. I am scheduled for 30 rounds of radiation on my right side; however, now that the DCIS has been diagnosed on the left side; although it has been removed, I might or might not have to also have radiation on my left side. At this point, all cancerous areas - breast tissue, ducts, and 5 lymph nodes - have been removed.

In addition to the 30 rounds of radiation that Dr. Bondly said I would need, she has also stated that I would need to be on a hormone blocker chemotherapy pill for five (5) years. It is called Femara or is known by its generic name, Letrozole. Letrozole is used to help prevent the cancer from returning. Some breast cancers, like what I had, is made to grow faster by the natural hormone, estrogen. Letrozole decreases the amount of estrogen the body makes and helps to slow or reverse the growth of these breast cancers. Of course, in my case, it will be taken to help prevent my cancer from returning. Dr. Bondly said it will cut the risk by approximately 50%. Therefore, I will probably begin taking Letrozole after I complete my radiation. 

Some of the side-effects of Femara/Letrozole are:

Hot Flashes       Hair Loss         Joint/Bone/Muscle Pain
Tiredness          Nausea             Fast Heartrate
Heart Attack     Diarrhea           Dizziness
Weight Gain     Constipation     Numbness/Stiffness Hands/Fingers

I have prayed that I would not have to go through chemo ever again, but looks like....for now....I am going to have to take another chemo drug. Dr. Bondly told me yesterday that although it only gives me an approximate 5% of my cancer not reoccurring, it is a drug that I should take. It is called Xeloda (Generic Name: Capecitabine) and I will be on it for 6 months....IF I can tolerate it and its side-effects. I will be on it for two weeks, off a week, on it for two weeks, off for a week and so on. Dr. Bondly is working very hard to try to give me the best outcome with the least percentage for my cancer returning. 

Some of the side-effects of Xeloda are:

Compromised Immune System         Hair Thinning/Loss    
Decreased Neutrophils A Type of White Blood Cell    
Stomatitis: Painful, Red Mouth/Swollen Mouth/Mouth Sores          
Neurotoxicity: Damage to the brain or nervous system
Severe nausea and/vomiting              Stomach pain/upset    
Loss of Appetite                                 Anemia
Back/Joint/Muscle Pain                     Low Blood Counts                    Tiredness                                            Headaches
Weakness                                           Risk of Bleeding 
Tingling, Pain, Redness and Edema of Hands and Feet
Break-out on arms, legs, chest           Heart Attack/Sudden Death


I am CRUSHED to think about traveling down this road again! I have already experienced so many of these side-effects with the chemo drug Taxotere and I felt at times like it was going to kill me...and actually could have.  

PLEASE God give direction...lead me to make the right take the right path.

I had an appointment set for Dr. Thomas, my breast surgeon, at the Breast Care Center for today, March 13th; however, since I was close by at the Bruno Cancer Center, they told me to come and they would work me in. Ashleigh has been keeping my four drain lines and drain bags emptied and measured since we left the hospital. She has had to do this three times a day for each line. They have all started to have less output....especially number one and two on my left side. On the right side, the blood has got darker and bits of thicker blood has been coming through the lines...especially in number 3. 

They worked me in pretty quickly. Dr. Thomas was in surgery; therefore, I saw one of the nurses. I also met with Dr. Thomas' partner, Dr. Susan Winchester. Since drains 1 and 2 were barely putting out any blood/fluid, she definitely wanted to go ahead and remove them. When looking closer at my number 3 and 4 drains on my right side, they noticed that something looked abnormal and ordered a sonogram. They found that I have a sizable hematoma/blood-clot above the right incision. 

When the nurse and Dr. Winchester looked at my drains on the right, the nurse committed that she was having a problem with getting the stitches released. There were both internal and external stitches. Dr. Winchester and the nurse whispered to each other; however, I could not understand them.....I knew something was wrong. The nurse told me that she wasn't going to be my friend and Dr. Winchester told me to take a deep breath and then blow. I thought I was going to totally lose it!!!!! The pain was EXCRUCIATING!!!!! Dr. Winchester said it was out....and I asked both? And, she said, "No, only one of them!" Then, she repeated again and again I thought I was going to lose it......the pain was EXCRUCIATING!!!!! After that horrifically painful experience, then Dr. Winchester decided to go ahead and remove the drains as they appeared to mainly be blocked. Before doing so, the nurse when to get the drain records from Ashleigh and she told Ashleigh that if she wanted to, she could come in the room with me. I was trembling from pain at that point. I hated for her to be in there and to see me in so much pain. However, PRAISE GOD, the right side drain tube stitching had NOT attached to my skin and they released and came out without any severe pain. PRAISE GOD! Dr. Winchester prescribed me an antibiotic, Ciprofloxacin 500 mg tablets to take one tablet twice a day for five days. Since I have the blood-clot, four open drain holes, and new incisions from my bilateral mastectomy.....Dr. Winchester decided to prescribe me this antibiotic. She was also in touch with my personal doctor, Dr. Princess Thomas, while she was in surgery via telephone. She further instructed me to sit with a heating pad on my chest, on low, for at least an hour and a half each morning and again each evening. She is hoping this will help to dissolve the blood-clot. Dr. Winchester, prior to leaving the room, gave Ashleigh directions on how to keep my open wound areas cleaned and bandaged.

The nurse, doctor, and other medical professionals left the room for me to get dressed. Ashleigh, my precious daughter, held me and prayed over me. I was still very shook-up from the pain I had experienced when having the attached drains ripped from my left side. 

WOW....what a day!!! Filled with pain, disappointment, some good news, some decisions to be made.....stepping, stepping, stepping....taking one step at a time ever moving forward and following God's leading! Walking in the footsteps of Jesus! Leaning in to Him, praying, listening.....waiting. Waiting for guidance, direction, and trusting in Him to provide the answers. 

New Appointments and Follow-up Appointments:

I have been given a Consultation Appointment with Dr. Susan Salter. She will be my Radiation Oncologist at the Bruno Cancer Center. I am scheduled to meet with her on March 20th at 1:15 pm.

I have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Princess Thomas on March 27th at 10:10 am. 

I have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Cara Bondly on April 25th at 11:30 am.

I also have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Jason Fain, my Pulmonary Specialist, on May 8th.


Cancer is evil! Cancer is of the devil! 
Cancer is ugly - painful - heartbreaking - destructive!

There is NOTHING good about cancer, but blessings....His precious blessings can shine through even in our darkest hours!

God is Faithful! God is Loving! God is Healing!

God listens....He hears YOUR prayers....He is answering!

I am Strong in my Fight! 

I am Confident in the One Who Gives Life!

I Love YOU God! I Love YOU Jesus! I Love YOU Holy Spirit!

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer  #GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  
#HeProtectsMe   #WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow  
#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   #GodisaGoodGod  
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus
#Taxotere #MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  
#CrushingCancer  #CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed  

#MyGoalisCancerFree  #Pulmonary


  1. Continued prayers for you. Horrible you have to go through all of this. We will specifically pray for your blood clot this week to diminish. Patricia stay strong. You have got this. All things through him.

  2. Thank you, Sherri. It is really tough right now, but I know God will lead me through this. Yesterday was HORRIBLE! I am thankful that today is a new day and I continue to move forward. I believe with all of my heart God WILL heal me with a complete earthly healing. I am keeping the heating pad on the blood-clot and hope that it will take care of it.

  3. You have got my prayers Patricia don't give up fight with all your might

    1. Thank you, Melissa Lynn. Yesterday was a VERY tough day, but I will never give up. I am thankful for a new day and the opportunity to keep moving forward in my cancer journey. I believe that God will bless me with a complete earthly healing. Is the fight going to be easy? NO WAY! But, I believe He will lead me to complete wellness on earth. Amen!

  4. Well, my friend Pratcita, prayers are still free and spirit filled and mine are everyday and when I think about you! Happy to pray for complete Earthly Healing in your body. Prayers, prayers, prayers my sweet friend! I love you!

    1. Thank you so much dear friend. I need prayers for healing and prayers for direction in making decisions for my plan to wellness. I trust that God will lead me down the path that I need to take that will provide just what I need. Love you.

  5. you might want to do some research and see which oils could be of help. Use the frankincense as a mouthwash, rinse and spit, to hopefully counteract the chemo. Try Copaiba to combat pain, gelcaps and/or oil. Several to help with the anxiety, stress, and strain. Ginger for nausea. Hugs and prayers!

    1. Thank you. I have those now and will continue to use them in my plan to complete wellness.

  6. I had no Facebook yesterday afternoon or night so I just got to read this. I pray with every ounce of my being that the lymph nodes that were removed had not spread cancer to any other parts of you body. Was the second type of cancer they found from a lymph node that had been removed? I truly hope so. I pray that it was contained and you won't need radiation on your left side. The DCIS is what I had.

    I am so sorry that the removal of the drains were painful. I didn't experience pain. I was so lucky.
    I am so sorry about your needing the hormone blocker pill. At least it is after your radiation stops. I pray that you don't have the awful side effects from it. (If there area any), try to find out what foods might lesson the side effects.

    I cry with you that you may have to be back on chemo pills and all of their side effects. Pray a lot about it. With only a 5% of their helping and all of the problems it may cause, only you and your family can made that decision. Either way, I am with you 100% either way.

    I am praying that God's answers will be clear to you. I love you so very much. PRAYING, PRAYING AND A WHOLE LOT MORE PRAYING for the very best choices, and maybe also some thrilling surprises. You never know what God may have "up His sleeve".

    1. Thank you so much sweet sister-friend. The doctors, both Surgeon and Oncologist, told me that ALL known cancer has been removed.....both in the breast and lymph nodes. Unless it had spread outside the lymph nodes, and they are unaware of that having happened, they got all the cancer. My prognosis is still good. The additional "extreme" chemo for 6 months is a LOT to consider. I am giving it to God and praying He will give me guidance. I want to do what is best, but I do not want to go through so much suffering again unless the benefit is really worth it. God is amazing and I know He continues to lead me in this journey. He will give me my answers and I believe that I will 100% be completely healed. The reason two of the drains hurt so HORRIFICALLY is because the stitches had attached to the skin inside and they could not get the stitches cut to release them and had to just jerk them out while still being attached. OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! I am so thankful that is in the past! Love you sweet, dear friend! Your faithfulness to me and my journey is a treasure.


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