CANCER: Next Step - Double "Bilateral" Mastectomy

This is me....bald, no hair on my hair anywhere! 😃 But, that's okay.....and my hair is starting to grow back. My chemo treatments are behind me and after Tuesday, my bilateral "double" mastectomy will be in the past as well. Then, it will be about recovering for 4 to 5 weeks and then move on to my next step....30 rounds of radiation. Each step I take, each experience in my cancer journey brings me closer and closer to to God blessing me with a complete earthly healing.

Today, my family and I went before the church, had hands laid on me, prayers were said for my healing, and I was anointed with oil. What a peace and calm I felt as I was prayed for....knowing that the voices were not just resonating in the room, but were going straight to the Throne of God. He was listening and I know He will care for and watch over me, my family, and my medical team.

Please continue to lift me and my family in your prayers. Also, please pray for my medical team and that all will go well with my surgery. A HUGE change is coming to my life in 2 Days....YES, just TWO days now! I will blink and it will be here and it will be over and I will be back home.

Please pray that ALL the cancer will be removed and that ALL margins will be clear. I know the recovery is going to be painful....especially where the lymph nodes are being removed. I can handle the pain....chemo has well prepared me for going through pain to the point of almost losing it when I had Palmar Plantar Erythrodysesthesia (from Taxotere Chemo), but yet God gave me the strength to fight through it and continue forward.

Thank you all for continuing to walk this journey with me. I am so excited about what is ahead. I can feel God at work....Jesus is covering me with His love and His Holy Spirit is moving in me. Great things are in store when I am healed and God is going to receive ALL the glory and honor! Amen!

Please lift me in prayer by name. I will learn the time of my surgery tomorrow. I will make a post so all of you will know. PLEASE lift me, my family, and my medical team in your prayers during my surgery. Love and appreciate you all! God is leading and God is healing!

I'm not "pretty" on the outside, but I am still
His beautiful daughter!

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer  #GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  
#HeProtectsMe   #WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow  
#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   #GodisaGoodGod  
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus
#Taxotere #MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  
#CrushingCancer  #CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed  
#MyGoalisCancerFree  #Pulmonary


  1. I am so glad that you will let us know the time of surgery tomorrow. I want to be praying throughout your surgery. I ALWAYS pray for you by name. You are my family now.

    If you remember, ask for an anti nausea medication with your anesthesia. It helps when you wake up. I am so proud of you. You will do fine.

    1. I will be sure to let you know about the time as soon as I find out. I have already called the scheduling nurse in Dr. Thomas' office, however, she doesn't have the schedule yet and will call me as soon as she gets it. You know I appreciate you and love you so much! You are my sister in Christ, my "pink" sister, and you feel like the fleshly sister that I never had. You are such a special woman of God in every way! I will definitely ask for nausea medication. I am one of those who gets motion sickness so easily and a lot of pain medications make me nauseated. I trust God to bring me through this and to bless me with complete earthly healing. Just got a call from my lab work last week to check my kidney function, electrolytes, etc.....all is GOOD! YAY! God is so good to me and even in this cancer journey, He has poured out so many awesome blessings into my life. The saying, "Behind every cloud, there is a silver lining," well, I do believe it is true. However, it is not only behind the is right in the middle of the cloud that we often find the greatest blessings. Love you!

  2. Thank you dear friend. I need them.


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