CANCER: Double Mastectomy - Surgery Day

Well, the day is here, Tuesday, March 5th. Today, I will have both breast removed along with some lymph nodes. I arrived at the hospital right at 7:00 am which is my designated time. I didn't really know what to expect, but knew I would have dye injected in each breast to aid Dr. Thomas, my breast surgeon, to know which lymph nodes and how many needed to be removed during surgery. I do, however, feel very safe and secure knowing that God is going through this with me....always ahead of me leading the way. 

I went back to my holding room where I got changed into my hospital gown. During this stage, I could only have one person with me and Michael came back. They could not put an IV into either hand/arm since I was having a double mastectomy and lymph nodes would be taken from both sides. Therefore, I had to have the IV put into my foot. It was a horrific and extremely painful experience. They first tried my left foot, but could not get it to thread; therefore, they had to remove it and try again on my right foot. They used a smaller needle on my right foot. It was not the perfect IV or as big as was needed, but it is all they could do. The Anesthesiologist came to my room and explained his role in my surgery and that I would receive the amount needed to keep me asleep. He also ordered two pills for me to take along with a patch to be placed behind my left ear for nausea. He also said he would add nausea medicine in my IV while I was asleep. 

After the IV was hooked-up to a bag of fluid, I was taken to radiology.  I had the dye injected into both breasts. Then, I went into a machine that took pictures of each breast. Pictures were taken and it took 5 minutes per side. The blue dye travels into the armpit and will turn the lymph nodes blue that have cancer in them. These are the sentinel nodes that need to be removed for further testing. This test will reveal whether or not that the cancer has spread from the breast to the lymph nodes. In my case, we already knew that at least one lymph node contained cancer. 

After the test was completed, I went back to my holding room for surgery. Ashleigh was able to come back at that point and both Michael and Ashleigh were able to stay with me until I was taken to surgery. I was given Valium to relax me prior to being taken back to surgery. Soon after that, My kiddos had to leave and go to the waiting room. The surgery and recovery took about 4 hours. Dr. Thomas met with Ashleigh and Michael and told them that I did good and that all went well. I didn't have any lung or breathing issues during the surgery. Praise God!

Dr. Thomas came by later that evening to check-up on me. My blood pressure was elevated a couple of times when checked. The Hospitalist who was on duty prescribed me a beta-blocker. After I took that, my blood pressure went down to 75 over 36. That was very scary. Therefore, Dr. Thomas said that I needed to stay in the hospital another night so I could continue to be monitored. My blood pressure did pull up to the 50's a couple of times, but mainly stayed in the middle to lower 40's. I got on blood pressure medication when I was going through having biopsies when I was diagnosed with Bilateral Breast Cancer. For now, I have been taken off my blood pressure medicine to hopefully get my numbers back up. My drains had to be monitored and emptied every few hours.

With Michael on one side and Ashleigh on the other, we took a walk around my hospital floor. I didn't have any problem doing that since they took out my foot IV. My foot was swelling and I was so thankful to get it removed. We had relied on the bag of fluids to keep me hydrated; however, barely any of the bag had dripped into my IV. The nurses thought that it had been swapped out and that I had received a full bag; however, that wasn't the case and I was dehydrated. I had not really had anything to eat since Monday night prior to going into the hospital. We had told them I was a vegetarian, but they kept sending plates of food with meat. Therefore, I didn't eat. That made me a little weak, but nothing serious.

Ashleigh went home tonight as she and Michael had both stayed with me the first night. Before Ashleigh left, she brought me some snacks and Dr. Thomas had placed an order for me to have some vegetables so I ate some of that. 

Later that night, Michael and I went walking again and a nurse joined us. I was given a CareFusion AirLife Volumetric Incentive Spirometer to use for deep breathing exercises. It helps to keep my lungs clear. I have to use it every hour for 7 times and my goal is to hit the 2000 marker. So after taking another walk, I used the Spirometer. 

The next morning Dr. Thomas came by. She thought I was doing great except for my low blood pressure; therefore, she said I could go home. She told me to get a good/accurate blood pressure monitor and to keep a regular check on it after I got home. Ashleigh received instructions on how to empty my drain bulbs and how to clear the lines. We got everything packed-up and we were ready to leave. A prescription for Loritab was called into the Publix Pharmacy in Moody for us to pick-up on our way home. 

Between losing so much blood, dehydration, having major surgery my blood pressure is probably going to be low for a while. We have been taking it, along with my temperature, and oxygen levels regularly since getting home. My blood pressure is still running low so I have only taken 1/2 of a Loritab tablet twice today. I am also wearing compression socks to help alleviate blood clots. I slept pretty good last night, but still woke up 3 times, went to the bathroom and drank some water. I have to drink A LOT of water. I did get all of the blue dye flushed out of my body. I have quite a bit of dark bruising in my chest and arm area that is painful, but that is to be expected. 

"I call to God; God will help me. At dusk, dawn, and noon I sigh deep sighs - He hears, He rescues. My life is well and whole, secure in the middle of danger." Psalm 55:16-18

I don't have much of an appetite, but I am making myself drink water and juice. I also had to take some medicine to get my bowels back on track.....and that is common with surgery. I have enjoyed a good day. John, Jack, and Norah Jane have all came to visit me. I received a sweet card and beautiful flowers from my Kiker family. 

This afternoon Jack put on a pair of blue gloves and said that he wanted to take care of his MiMi. So we let him play doctor and he felt so important. It was so precious! 

I am doing so well! God has been leading my journey and healing me every step of the way. We are already on day 4 and I am so thankful not to have any issues or complications. I feel so excited for what is ahead. I am very happy to have my surgery behind me. With every step I take forward, I am getting closer to being cancer FREE! I will have to recuperate for the next 4 weeks or so, then we will move forward again and begin radiation.  

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." - Isaiah 41:10 

I will not only be a survivor, but I will be a winner! There is a spiritual battle going on around us....a battle for our souls, our hearts, and our minds and God does not want us merely to survive this battle. He assures us that with His help we will be victorious. Wounded, but not defeated. Not just surviving....implying I barely made it....but energized by running the race, staying the course, and fighting the good fight. Somehow, some way, I WILL be a better woman because of this experience. Amen!

Thank you all for continuing to follow my journey and for lifting me in your prayers. I am so thank for every get well/uplifting card, for texts, private messages on Facebook, for all of your Facebook responses to posts on my page, for gift cards received, and for phone calls. 

God is always good, He is always loving, and He is always with us!

I love you all!

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer  #GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  
#HeProtectsMe   #WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow  
#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   #GodisaGoodGod  
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus
#Taxotere #MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  
#CrushingCancer  #CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed  
#MyGoalisCancerFree  #Pulmonary


  1. You are amazing me more and more every day. I have never had an IV in my foot. I cannot even imagine it. My surgery and hospitalization must have been so much easier without having had chemo first, and low blood pressure. I am so relieved that you had no nausea issues. You had a terrific anesthesiologist.

    Yes, life gets a lot easier once the bags are removed. Healing takes time, but I pray for you to have the easiest and speediest recovery time possible. Praying always. I love you.

    1. Thank you sweet friend. The IV in my foot was horrible! I am just so thankful to have that in my past. Hopefully, in a few weeks I will be able to start radiation. I should get the pathology report from my surgery the first part of next week. I am experiencing a little nausea today, but nothing major. I took a Zofran when I got up to help ease that off. I am walking and moving around great. When I was walking in the hospital, Dr. Thomas told me that I wasn't trying to run a race and that I could slow down. LOL I feel like I am doing really well and I want to keep moving forward in this journey. Love you.

  2. Patricia, I am so thankful that things went as expected, except for your blood pressure being way off. I'm Jesus ' name I pray for Patricia Harrod Wynsdick for Earthly Healing of cancer. Amen!

    1. Thank you, Diane. I am resting and sleeping a lot which is good healing medicine for my body right now. My blood pressure is finally getting better and I am very thankful for that. Praying for complete earthly healing....Amen!

    2. Stay strong!!! Prayers!! (Shnooska... Alisa from Youtube)


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