CANCER: WARNING - Double Mastectomy Journey - INCLUDES PHOTOS

Inner beauty is inside each of us. We are all beautiful in God's eyes as we are created in the image of God. However, many people do not feel beautiful inside. We are often smothered by a lack of confidence and even a lack of acceptance of other people. It is easy to compare ourselves to others especially when we compare our outward appearance. God's Word makes it clear that we are all beautiful to Him. Beauty isn't reserved for models, beauty queens, or Hollywood actors and actresses. YOU are beautiful! There are so many Scripture passages dealing with inner beauty.....true beauty. When our minds take us down a different path as to how we view ourselves, we need to refocus and allow God to heal us as we come to the realization of how much He loves and values each of His created children. 

"So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day." 2 Corinthians 4:16

Post Bilateral Mastectomy, it took a week before I could look at myself straight on in the mirror. I would glimpse from different angles, but then turn my head. I had two tubes (a total of four) exiting my body from under both of my arms. The drain tubes had bottles attached to each and that is where fluid and blood would collect. My chest was completely bandaged, so at this point, I could not see the actual incisions. It was a painful image to see what had happened to me. It was also a reality check as so much of this journey has - at times - seemed like a dream.....a dream that I just wanted to wake up from. Everything moved so rapidly from diagnoses, to chemo, to a double mastectomy....there was spans of time that so much was going on, there was no time to digest what was happening to me. I had never lived a reality where others were telling me my next move, my next plan....everything was orchestrated for me. I was merely the one it was all happening to. 

I went for a check-up with my surgeon on March 12th. My bandages were removed and the drain tubes were also removed. My stitches are internal; however, I do have butterfly "paper tape" stitches outwardly across my incisions. Dr. Thomas said not to bother them because they will loosen and come off on their own. Now, I knew that I was going to have to face a "true" chest without the bandages. I didn't want to look at myself with them, but now that veil is gone. Nothing can adequately prepare you for this. However, when I finally looked at myself with my eyes fully open and looking straight into the mirror, God whispered..."You are special and you are My beautiful daughter." March 5th, 2019 began a new chapter in my life. And like all things new, there is an adjustment period. Although, after hearing God's words of love and affirmation to me, I once again embraced my journey and felt a peace and calm. 

I have endured so much in my cancer journey, but rather than feeling sorry for myself, I always choose to celebrate the strength, fortitude, and tenacity that God has placed within me for this battle. I am still matter the physical changes that chemo and surgery have caused because of having cancer....I am still a beautiful human being with a heart filled with love and compassion. Is my chest "pretty" way, it's not; however, it signifies that I have taken another step toward my goal of living out a 100% cancer FREE life for years to come. When something is trying to kill you...and for me that was my breast...your attitude about letting them go changes very quickly. It is not "IF" I decide to get a is "WHEN" can we get it done. God created us with the ability to have so much more strength and courage than we could imagine....until the time comes when we need it. Then, we find it resourced along with all of the armor of protection that our Creator has blessed us with. 

I have chosen from day one to be very open and transparent through my journey with cancer. Having a double mastectomy is part of my journey; therefore, I am sharing this experience as openly as I can. This is not only my personal cancer journal, but also a means for me to give God the glory for my healing from beginning all the way to wellness. 

"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise." Jeremiah 14:14

Once a person finally understands that healing is a part of the finished work of grace along with salvation, paid for at the same time with the same healing Blood, then you can get excited about this verse saying; "You did it Lord for me! Then according to this verse I will agree and say, "I will have healing just as I have's mine NOW!"

If you or someone you know is also on this journey and would like someone to talk to, to pray with, to share concerns....whatever it might be....I am completely here for you. Please feel free to private message me on Facebook:

"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." 3 John 2

As I have said before, sometimes we have to walk through fire to be made new and to shine brighter than ever. That is what I am doing right now and when I am healed, and even now, I want to shine my Savior's love, compassion, mercy, grace, and forgiveness through me.

Thank you all for your continued love and prayers. God is leading and He is healing. I know that He listens to every prayer lifted by each of you on my behalf. That brings me so much joy and comfort! I love you all! 



(The "knot" that appears in the upper left side of my chest is my port.)

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer  #GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  
#HeProtectsMe   #WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow  
#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   #GodisaGoodGod  
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus
#Taxotere #MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  
#CrushingCancer  #CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed  
#MyGoalisCancerFree  #Pulmonary



  1. You are so brave. Praying for an "easier" rest of the journey. You have had such a painful experience and I am so proud of your endurance and your faith. Praying for good news to come.

    1. Thank you so much my faith-filled prayer warrior sister! I feel really well and am enjoying my break before radiation. I am NOT enjoying these arm exercises. I feel like I am pulling something apart on the inside because the resistance is so strong. It is where the lymph nodes were removed under both arms is still very tender and I pray that when I stretch that I am not hurting anything.....Don't want anything sewed up to come apart. I just don't know how long it takes for all of that to heal, but Dr. Salter said do it so I am trying. Hopefully they will get easier as I continue to stretch. Love you!

  2. Patricia, thank you for sharing. I have not so pleasant things on my body that make me feel bad, but your courage is God given. You are beautiful to me always! Thank you for sharing your journey 100%. I love you my friend!

    1. Cancer is ugly, but God can and does shine awesome blessings through the storms of our lives. Our bodies are beautiful creations from our Father; but our true and eternal beauty is within....our spirit. These broken and scarred fleshly bodies will be made refreshed and renewed when Jesus returns. As we glean from the Scriptures....God looks at the inward man - the heart, the spirit, the soul - and that is how He desires we view others as well. You are beautiful inside and out. Love you sweet friend!


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