CANCER: Jesus said, "Your faith has made you well."

Same me in the pics below....then and now; however, I have started growing my hair back....a little anyway. Then, I had LOTS of hair, eyebrows, and long, thick eyelashes. Now, my hair is beginning to grow back, I have maybe 4 or 5 eyelashes on each eye, and I pencil in eyebrows. Quite a difference when looking from the outside image. However, I am still me on the inside....maybe even a bit better than I was in the "then" picture.

Cancer or any life-threatening disease can do one of two things to can make you a stronger, more faith-filled, depending on Jesus person OR it can make you feel sorry for yourself, lose heart, lose faith, and turn from God or blame God. I made the decision from day one of my cancer journey to be the person described first, but that was an easy decision for me. I was His and I am His. No illness is going to change my reality.

I am, however, closer to Him than ever. Life is even more precious, sweeter, and even more beautiful. A forever friend of mine, Patty, told me last Thursday that tomorrow is Friday...most look forward to their Fridays. But, I told her everyday is like Friday to me. Everyday is a gift and Monday is as much a blessing to me and brings just as much joy as Friday.

There is a favorite day for me and that is Sunday. I ever LOVE Sundays! I LOVE to gather with other believers and praise God as our voices blend together, to be uplifted in His presence, to hear a life- touching, life-changing message, prayers going up to His throne as we all pray together, breaking bread and drinking of the cup....ever reminding of Jesus' sacrifice so that we can have the hope of living forever in eternity.

When we gather as a body of believers, I love the smiles, fist-bumps, handshakes, hugs, and hellos that we give and receive from brothers and sisters that we don't know personally, have never seen before.....but have so much in common. We love Jesus and that shines through so literally lights up the auditorium.

Some days are even more special than today. As I was entering the door into the large open foyer area, my mind was on getting into the auditorium, but then I looked up. Such an AWESOME surprise, one of my sweet Freedom sisters, Nancy, was about to pass by me and she spotted me. She asked if she could give me a hug because she wasn't sure if I was still sore or not. Of course, I said yes....I love hugs. She told me that I was an inspiration to many and that I was a great writer. WOW....I just walked in the door and immediately was met with sweet words of encouragement. Nancy wanted to know if I always knew I could write or if it was something new for me. I told her that I have always been a writer, but there are times I feel God is writing His message through me. I know that He is because He is guiding my life with such close and personal attention. Although Nancy and I comment on Facebook and she reads my blog, I rarely get to see her. Seeing her today was my special gift that made this Sunday just a little better.

God is so good and so faithful. He never leaves us. I feel His guidance and I know He is directing my path, bringing me healing through every treatment I have and every medication I take. He has a plan for me and I know BIG things are in store! I look forward to what is ahead!

"Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed." - Mark 5:34

I have had some rough and trying times in the past seven (7) months. How in the world has all that I have experienced happened in such a short time?!?! Now, that really blows my mind! However, as difficult as this cancer journey has been....there are SO MANY who are much worse off than me. So many who do not have the hope of survival that I have. So many suffering who do not know Jesus. So many do not have close family, friends, and prayer warriors. So many who just don't have hope...... My prayers are with each of these sweet souls. I cannot fathom this journey without my Awesome Three...Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - my loving family, and all of faith-filled prayer warriors.

Please continue to lift me in your prayers. He is listening, He is leading, and He is healing! Amen! All praise and glory to God my Father, Jesus my Savior, and to His Holy Spirit - my Comforter.

I am standing firm on the Whisper I received the day I was diagnosed with cancer....September 10, 2018. I will not lose this cancer war! God is allowing me to go through fire as He renews and refines me for the plan He has in store. 

 For I know the plans I have for you "Patricia," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you "Patricia" and not to harm you "Patricia," plans to give you "Patricia" hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer  #GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  
#HeProtectsMe   #WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow  
#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   #GodisaGoodGod  
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus
#Taxotere #MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  
#CrushingCancer  #CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed  
#MyGoalisCancerFree  #Pulmonary


  1. You are a write ... no doubt about that. You are a Christian--a child of God ... no doubt about that. I have been and will continue to pray for your complete healing ... no doubt about that.

    I love you, Patricia, think of you every day, and pray for you and your recovery.

    1. Thank you my sweet sister Carole. I always know, without doubt, that you are lifting me in prayer and that you are walking this cancer journey with me. I thank God for putting you in my life. You are such a special God-centered daughter of the Most High King and I am so happy to know you as my sister-friend. Love you so much! You are definitely one of my greatest cheerleaders.


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