CANCER: Radiation Begins...CAUTION: Graphic Photos "Special and Rare"...NOT in a good way!

I have been on "stand-by" as I have been waiting to get the "go" to begin radiation. I went and had my mapping/markings done for radiation two weeks ago. I was told that I would be called that Friday or the following Monday to notify me as to when I would start radiation that week.

I did not receive a call until the following Wednesday. I thought that Jessie was calling to give me a start date....thinking that I would be able to begin the next day, Thursday. But....No! That was not her purpose for calling. She was just checking on my markings to see if I needed to come in and have them re-marked. I told her that I had been very careful when taking showers and that; although I had some fading, where the tape pieces had been placed over the marks....they were still in good shape. I asked Jessie about the delay in beginning my radiation. I had already had a one week delay because of my hematoma....along with two weeks delay for me to heal from my surgery. She informed me that my case was "very rare" "special" and Dr. Salter and her Associate, Anna, were having to take longer to get my plan completed. 

Well, who doesn't want to be called "special".....however, in this case I didn't like the sound of this special and didn't really understand what it meant. This is the Salter Radiation Oncology at the Bruno Cancer Center. Radiation is "their thing." And, they do it all day long, five days a week. Why is my case "rare and special" I kept asking myself. 

Yesterday, I still had not heard from them and another week was passing by. At this point, I have not had chemo since January 23rd and am almost six weeks out from my bilateral mastectomy surgery. This delay is NOT normal! I had decided that if I did not hear from Dr. Salter's office by 1:00 pm yesterday, I was going to call them. No word from I made the call.

I explained to the receptionist why I was calling and then she left me on hold for over five minutes. Then, my awesome radiation tech, Sonya, spoke and it was so good to hear her voice. I explained again why I was calling. I told her that Jessie had told me my case was "special and rare" and I just didn't understand. And, that I was getting concerned that my residual cancer was being given an opportunity to spread wherever it wanted to go in my body. As cancer patients, we find comfort in receiving our treatments. When we are going through treatments, even when the side-effects are rough on us, we still find comfort in knowing the chemo, surgery, and/or radiation is doing its job in healing us and helping us to be well again. At least, that's the way I feel. 

Well, I was definitely not expecting to hear what Sonya had to say. She told me that my case and the planning of my treatments is rare and difficult. She used a lot of technical words and terms that are beyond my degree....LOL, but I did get what she was saying. The planning process is extremely intricate, but my case is even harder. They are trying to spare my tissue as much as possible and do not want to damage my skin/body unnecessarily. The machine that hovers over the radiation table is round and moves as it shoots-out beams of radiation. Since I have bilateral breast cancer....they have to arc the machine in a manner to attempt administering radiation on both sides of my chest, underarms, and neck without damaging me, but hitting all the spots needed. 

God goes before me...He walks beside me...He comes behind me

Okay.....I get what their planning process is, but still I question, why is my planning process so difficult? I asked this question of Sonya because although I had bilateral breast cancer....and I knew that was rare in itself....I still could not grasp why my individual case was so difficult to get planned. I told her....y'all see hundreds upon hundreds of patients every year. Although bilateral breast cancer is rare compared to unilateral breast cancer....I had no idea as to how rare. Sonya told me that she has been a radiation technician for over 15 years and that in all of her years in the field....she has only seen SIX (6) women with bilateral breast cancer. I was SHOCKED to say the least!!!

Sonya did tell me, however, that I would begin radiation today. I pray that they have everything in my plan worked out so I will not have any tissue hurt or damaged. Please join me in prayer. I am about to go into uncharted waters again....for me and my journey. The "new" is always a little scary, but I know these doctors and technicians are extremely qualified and will take the best care of me. Their concern and mine is that they beam the areas that need radiation and spare all other areas. Now, if all goes well, I will be having radiation treatments every day...except for Saturdays and Sundays...for the next six (6) weeks. 

God will provide His children with a peace and comfort unlike no other when we come to Him.

They are concerned about my claustrophobia and the pain that I still suffer in both shoulders from being strapped in surgery; therefore, my technicians suggested that I take a pain pill and perhaps a calming Saint John's help keep me more calm in the process. Since having to treat both sides, it will take twice as long AND they will have to raise my arms higher above my head....since having to beam my neck on both sides. I will have to have my arms taped to the bar above my head and tape clothes to my underarms and shoulders to protect them from receiving radiation. NOT a fun ordeal at all! 

I do not anticipate any problems with my radiation because I trust my medical team and I know they have been very thorough in the designing of my plan. I trust them and I know God is overseeing them....and me. However, I am concerned somewhat about my claustrophobia and having to have my upper body restrained for 30+ minutes. 

God is leading and He is healing! 

PLEASE lift me in your prayers! Please also continue to pray for my family as they are walking this journey with me. Also, pray for my Radiation Oncology doctors and technicians.

God said, "Calm down! Don't be afraid." Judges 6:23

UPDATE - First Radiation Treatment:

Everything today went really well. My radiation technicians are awesome! They are so kind and compassionate. Today the set-up and treatment took 45 minutes. I was told that tomorrow it will only take approximately 20 minutes for the treatment. I received additional markings today. I was covered in black markings, but now I have an additional set added in blue.

My technicians today were Sonya, Janet, and Norman. Although my arms had to be restrained, they tried not to bind them any tighter than they had to. They have a nice speaker system in this room where they can play music. I was excited about that because I knew it would help to sooth my feelings of claustrophobia. They asked what music I preferred and I told them that I would like Contemporary Christian music. I prayed over my treatment and listened to some of my favorite songs. Even though I was bound and refrained from movement.....I was in a good place. I had prayed for peace, calm, and a feeling of His presence with me. God answered and all was well. 

I'm not sure when I will start to burn, but I have a prescription that I am to use every night and every morning to help with the burning. I am to start using it tonight. It is an expensive little tube....$90 per tube, but St. Vincent's Pharmacy sells it to the cancer patients for $39. That is an out of pocket expense with insurance not paying any percentage of the cost so I greatly appreciate them giving us a discounted price. Dr Salter said that I would be using more than one tube over the course of my treatments. 

I left the Radiation Oncology Treatment Center today with a smile on my face as I felt very happy to finally be started on my treatments. Also, I felt blessed and so thankful to have the opportunity to receive technologically advanced treatments that will aid in my healing and cure from cancer. I feel great and I am so excited about my future! 

I BELIEVE that my body is cancer free and that from here on is just precautionary steps to assure I stay this way. I BELIEVE that God has already healed me with the earthly healing that He intended for me from the beginning of my diagnoses. I look forward to serving others with more love and journey through fire is refining me, refreshing me, and renewing me....all for His glory. Amen.

As I was about to walk out of the treatment area, my technician, Norman, handed me a card with my appointment times for the next couple of days. I will go back tomorrow at 4:00 pm and Thursday at 3:15 pm. On the back of the card he shared a Scripture with me....Isaiah 41:10 - "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

From Taxotere chemo I have dark spots on my arms and chest. It started out as a rash/sores. However, when that finally healed....I was left with these dark spots that are now a permanent part of me.

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer  #GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  
#HeProtectsMe   #WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow  
#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   #GodisaGoodGod  
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus
#Taxotere #MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  
#CrushingCancer  #CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed  
#MyGoalisCancerFree  #Pulmonary  #Radiation


  1. Is it encouraging or discouraging to hear, "1 down, 29 to go"? You did so well with your thought process and your arms up behind you. I love what your technician wrote: "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

  2. Thank you. God has put some of the best medical professionals in my journey with cancer. So thankful to have His believing disciples treating me, caring for me, and praying with me. Makes you feel so good when they share Scripture with you. Getting to listen to Christian music while having radiation treatments is a real bonus!


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