CANCER: Hematoma and New Cancer Stages......

On April 1st I had a follow-up appointment with my Breast Surgeon, Dr. Princess Thomas. One of the main issues that needed to be addressed in this meeting was the hematoma on the outer right side of my chest. I am preparing for radiation and my Radiation Oncologist said that once the radiation mapping is done...nothing and she heavily stressed NOTHING needs to change in the radiation fields. In other words, Dr. Susan Salter wanted to make sure that either the hematoma absorbed into my body, does not change, or that Dr. Thomas does a needle aspiration. I had been instructed by Dr. Thomas's nurse to use a heating pad for at least and hour and a half in the morning over the hematoma and again in the evening for another hour and a half. They were hoping the heat could help to break-down the hematoma and cause the blood to absorb back into my body. I did exactly as I was instructed and some days even did extra time with the heating pad because I wanted no more complications. 

I was given a scan to check the hematoma status. Guess what? It had not decreased in size at all....None! However, some of the hematoma was fluid; therefore, Dr. Thomas said that she needed to do a needle aspiration. I really didn't want to hear that. I had already laughingly asked Dr. Thomas not to hurt me....joking, but serious at the same time. The last time I was there, they jerked two of my four drain tubes out of my chest while they were still stitched to me (they were not able to reach the stitches to clip them) at a time. That was so painful! Thank God, the other two tubes on my right side were not attached and came out just fine and without pain. 

Dr. Thomas did the needle aspiration and withdrew 100ccs of hematoma fluid. That allowed for a good bit of shrinkage. The rest remained solid. So, at this point I don't believe I will be able to have another aspiration as it would conflict with radiation markings. Now, some of the bruised coloring is finally starting to fade and the soreness/tenderness from the hematoma is not as bad. Other than the hematoma, she said that everything else looked good and was healing nicely. 

Dr. Thomas sat with me for a while and we discussed my condition. I just love her. She is a believer and has strong faith. She has so much compassion for her patients. We went over all that I have gone through in such a short period of time. I told her that after surgery I have experienced some anxiety. It is a "weird" feeling for me as I am not used to feeling this type of anxiousness. It is not "self-generated" or caused from any outside source of upset or concern. It comes from deep within without any thought or personal emotion causing it. Dr. Thomas, as well as Dr. Salter, assured me that the feelings I am having are from having a major surgery and that my body and mind are reacting to it. 

Prior to chemo treatment and surgery, I was at Stage 2 Breast Cancer on the left and Stage 3 Breast Cancer on the right. Dr. Thomas told me that after chemo treatments and after surgery.....I am still considered at Stage 1 on my left side and Stage 2 on my right. This made me a bit upset and disappointed. I was not expecting that! I thought that I would be moved to Stage 0 at this point. That is why I have to continue with radiation, possibly chemo pill, and the a hormone/estrogen suppressing pill for life. changed from 5 years on the suppression pill to at least 10 years to life. 

God is in this cancer journey with me....just as He has been with me throughout my life. He goes before me....leading my way and He goes after me. He surrounds me in every way. I put my whole trust in Him. He is in control! He can choose to allow me to survive OR He can choose to allow me to not have an earthly healing. I am trusting and believing that His plan is to bless me with earthly healing. 

Today and everyday is a new day and I am ready to face it with courage. Today brings a new chance, and I live it with hope and conviction. Today is also a new opportunity and I pray I make good and better choices. Today is a new possibility and I am ready to face any obstacle. Today is a new way of thinking, of walking, and being and doing. Today is a new day and I plan to live every moment to its fullest. Having cancer has changed my life monumentally. I have always been a person with compassion, one who loves others and loves to serve others, have always been so thankful for life, my family, friends and I have always loved my Father, my Savior, and His Holy Spirit.......I have been thankful always. However, this cancer journey has opened my eyes even more to the beauty of life. I have felt more of His love, grace, and mercy. I love deeper. My heart for others is bigger. My concerns for the hurting, the poor, and the lost is greater and with that comes a greater desire to live my life with more direction and a more concentrated purpose than ever before. Cancer is a very ugly, life-threatening disease......however, through all of the darkness, there is light that shines through it. Thank You Jesus! Amen! 

Thank you all for continuing to lift me in prayer. It means so much to know that I have believers walking this cancer journey with me. I love you all! 

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer  #GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  
#HeProtectsMe   #WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow  
#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   #GodisaGoodGod  
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus
#Taxotere #MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  
#CrushingCancer  #CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed  
#MyGoalisCancerFree  #Pulmonary  #Radiation


  1. Praying for God's tender mercies on you Patricia he is our ultimate healer and he will see you through all of your treatments he will see you through the light and he will let you have an earthy healing as well so don't give up cause I love you and God does to so keep on keeping on love you my sweet sister in Christ

    1. Thank you Melissa Lynn for your response post and for reading my blog. Our Father is so powerful, so mighty, but yet so tender and loving....full of grace and mercy. Love you.

  2. Praying without ceasing. I wish your hematoma was “gone” but I am glad that they could remove so much fluid. I am so sorry that you have pain when they removed the drains. I was blessed to not have that pain.

    I pray that your radiation is easy. I wish this were all in the past, but it looks like you will have to deal with this for a long time. Hang on to your faith, continue to see the beauty around you, and continue to have love and compassion for others. That is what life is truly about. I love you so much and you truly are an example of Christ-likeness.

  3. Thank you my sweet sister, Carole. My faith is strong and my trust will not waver. As I said in my post....two of the drains were attached to my skin and they could not get to the stitches to clip them. It was horrible! I have a deep love for all people, but the poor, the suppressed, and those lost because they don't know Jesus have an extra piece of my heart. I have always been that way because my parents lived that out in front of me as long as they were on this earth. However, having cancer has even taken me to a new level of love and compassion for people. You have faithfully walked this journey with me for 7 months now and I love and appreciate you so much!

  4. Prayers for complete healing, Patricia! You are such a blessed Christian lady! You mean so much to me as a sister in Christ and I love you dearly. Do not get discouraged. I remember my journey with breast cancer and it was not as invasive as yours, but still a fearful journey, but with God always holding my hand. He is holding your hand as well. Now, I am still fighting a battle with hemangiomas on my liver. One, my doctor said does not look like a man Gioma and needs to be checked. My oncologist seems to think it’s all right. I guess I will just have to wait and see what the doctors final decision is about doing a biopsy. Pray for me as well. Also, my daughter, Melanie, has thyroid cancer in her throat. She will have surgery between now and the middle of May. Cancer seems to be a very common disease in our times. I pray that they will find a cure and cancer will no longer be such a threat to our society. God is in control ... Always! ❤️

    1. Thank you so much, Elaine for responding to my post and for sharing with me about you and Melanie. I will be lifting you both in my prayers. You are a very special sister to me as well. I love you sweet friend. I am so sorry to hear that Melanie has thyroid cancer. It is almost everyday I hear of someone else who has been diagnosed with cancer. It is truly an epidemic. I pray that our Gracious and Merciful Father will deliver you from anything harmful. I pray Melanie will have a successful surgery and that all of her cancer will be taken from her body. God is leading my journey and that is a truth that I never doubt. I have believed from the day I was diagnosed that His plan is to heal me because there is still a lot left for me to do in His Name for His Glory. Please keep me posted on your and Melanie's health recoveries. I want to celebrate with both of you! God is always good. He walks with us, but also goes ahead, and covers us from behind. We are never alone. So great to hear from you! I still love and remember Jon with sweet and funny memories.


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