
Showing posts from May, 2019

CANCER: God "Permitted" My Cancer....From Pain to Renewal

I'm not going to attach pics of my burned neck and chest with this post since I did post a pic a couple of days ago. However, I did want to go a little deeper about the burns. Today, I have been in tears as the burn and blistering have been even more severe. In the middle of some of my worst pain today, God spoke to me...without audible words...but laid them on my heart. The "fire" that can be seen on my skin is renewing me and making me whole again. What I am feeling on the outside is a testimony to what God has done with the radiation to the cancer inside me. From under one armpit to under the other armpit and up both sides of my neck....I am red, burnt, and blistered. For every red place I see, God aimed the beam of radiation right at its target.....blasting my cancer into oblivion! I am not so sure the most important sort of healing is physical. Important, yes....but, there is also more to the story. When God looks at me, I suspect He sees His daughter as more tha

CANCER: Radiation: Refined Through "Fire" (Warning: Photos)

Please pray that this burn pain will start to subside. If you read my recent blog know that my Radiation Oncologist said it might get a lot worse before getting better. Also, just in case you haven't read some of my other blog posts....I got radiation scatter in my Esophagus which has caused me pain when I swallow and has also caused my voice to be hoarse. It will, however, disappear in time. Praise God!  It's not pretty, but it is a reality. I barely slept at all last night. I continue to doctor with the prescription medicines and essential oils that I have, however, the medicines do not stop the burn and they do not stop them from happening. As my Oncologist explained to me, it “prepares” the skin - moisturizes it - which can also help it not to reach its worst potential state.  I know that God continues to heal me and this too shall pass....I just pray this stage passes soon! As I have said a few times  in my blog.... sometimes we have to travel through fire

CANCER: Turning the Corner....New Treatment

Radiation Complete: Celebration with Family May 24, 2019 Well, I told the harrowing side of my Monday, May 20th in my last blog post. So on we go.... Before beginning Monday's treatment, I only had 5 treatments left so this is a huge week for me. My burn; however, has continued to increase over the past week. Today is May 25th and this week just compiled the burn that I was already experiencing. I have a few bad spots and makes it difficult to wear any clothing. Everything rubs and irritates it. In passing, I will make note that I am still dealing with Lymphatic Cording from my Bilateral Mastectomy and removal of lymph nodes. My reach continues to improve, but I continue to feel a resistance when I raise my arms and stretch for something. I am sure it will continue to improve. I have come a long way from when I first had surgery and I am sure that I will continue to progress.  I met with Dr. Salter following my Monday radiation treatment for our regula