CANCER: "Saddle Bags" "Creases" "Burn" - WARNING: Contains Photos

I have had several radiation treatments since I last updated about them. Today is May 2nd and tomorrow will be radiation treatment #14. The time is passing by very quickly; however, it almost ties-up my whole day. By the time I get up, lotion everywhere that receives radiation, drink a cup of coffee, fix my breakfast/lunch and eat, shower, get is time to leave. My appointment is at 1:45 pm daily and with the traffic, it takes about 45 minutes to drive to downtown Birmingham from Moody. My appointment can last anywhere from 40 minutes to a couple of hours...depending on how backed-up they are. Every Monday, I have a consultation with the Radiation Oncologist, Nurse, Dietitian, and Nurse Practitioner. Therefore, Monday appointments always run longer. By the time I get back to Moody, it is 3:30 pm or later. 

Radiation can change the texture of your skin. I have several skin folds from my Bilateral Mastectomy. It is causing some deep creasing. My arms are confined over my head during all treatments. As a result, I am getting burn in the creases as they are spread open....when my arms are outstretched. Then, when my arms go back to normal position the burn and irritation is being aggravated in those creased areas causing pain. My surgical incisions are beginning to burn as well. The awesome news is that I have had zero blisters. YAY! Another side-effect that goes along with radiation therapy is fatigue. This fatigue can last several weeks after the treatments end. However, I have to say that the fatigue from radiation is nothing compared to what I experienced with chemotherapy. 

I believe that I am doing really well considering the intensity of my treatments. I am receiving radiation that reaches from the right side of my underarm to the left side of my underarm and on both sides of my neck. So many changes are going on in my chest area. I have areas that are so tight...areas that feel weighted...areas that feel very tender...and some areas that are completely numb. I feel knotted tissue beneath the skin...I have pouches of excess skin at the outer edges of where my breast used to be. My chest and underarm skin shrinks and it swells...and with that...when the pouches of skin swell, I feel like I have "saddle bags." When I put my arms down by my side, the saddle bags are directly under my arms and I feel as if I have VERY annoying pillows or cushions under my arms. Not a good feeling! When something out of the norm happens to our my new saddle bags...we tend to focus on the annoyance. I hope that in time, they will become completely natural to me and I won't even realize they are a part of me...only that they are a part of my new reality. 

Around treatment #8, on Friday, April 26th, I started having a problem swallowing. During my Monday, April 29th, consultation with my Radiation Oncologist I disclosed to her that I was having a throat problem.  My throat has continued to get more sore and my voice is very raspy. My Radiation Oncologist, Dr. Salter, assured me that I was not receiving enough radiation to cause permanent damage to my esophagus. She said that she would also check my radiation mapping pattern to double check how much radiation is actually going to my esophagus since I am being radiated on both sides of my neck. At my next treatment, the following day, I was told that I am getting radiation scatter into my esophagus, but that my symptoms would eventually go away....however, could get worse before getting better. 

I know God is leading and I trust in His plan, His mighty power, and His love for me. I am living in His promises and I know He is covering me. Amen! He is a King, but He is my Daddy. He can cast down fire from the heavens, but yet...He loves like no other. He is the Creator of All....yet He will walk among us. I have no fear that He cannot handle for me! He is the Great Physician and I trust that He is guiding my earthly physicians to give me their best. 

Thank you all for your continued prayers and for walking this cancer journey with me. Y'all are the best and I love each of you!

If you would like to make a "love offering," all 
assistance is appreciated. 

My GoFundMe:

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer  #GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  
#HeProtectsMe   #WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow  
#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   #GodisaGoodGod  
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus
#Taxotere #MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  
#CrushingCancer  #CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed  
#MyGoalisCancerFree  #Pulmonary  #Radiation


  1. Happy Mother's Day Patricia!
    Praying you can enjoy with your church
    friends and your family.
    You have raised two wonderful and
    Faithful children and your are blessed
    With three adorable grandchildren.
    Oh heavenly Father, in Jesus' name,
    I pray for favor in Patricia Howard Wyrosdick's
    Current battle struggles. I pray that You oh Father will continue to bless Patricia Howard Wyrosdick
    With continued Earthly healing and shower her with a lot of answered prays and continue to bless her and her family. Amen

  2. Thank you so much, Diane. Love you sweet friend.

  3. You know how much I pray for you. I wish the side affects were't so brutal. I hope that your throat doesn't get worse, and I can't wait for your radiation to be in the past. I pray that you have an awesome Mother's Day today, and that tomorrow will flood you with wonderful memories. May this week's treatments be as painless as possible and you continue to glorify God with your amazing love and faith.

  4. Thank you sweet sister! It has been a great day...filled with many blessings. I know that the situation I am in is quickly passing and complete healing is coming. To Him always be the glory.


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