My Mother's Day Devotional

Thought I would share my "rambling" Mother's Day devotional. I pray that, in some small way, it will be a blessing to you.

When God speaks, we don’t have to figure it all out. When we say “Yes!” to God, it opens the door for His best in our lives.

Mary was but a very young teen when she had the angel encounter. She learned that she was favored by God and would conceive a child, although still a virgin. She asked, “how can this be,” and the angel explained. She could have said NO! But her response was, “I am the Lord’s servant. Let everything you’ve said happen to me.” (Luke 1:38) There is NO WAY that she could have fully understood or wrapped her mind around what she had been told and the path her life would take from there.
There are many women of faith in the Scriptures who we can glean from. Women who will encourage us toward making the right choices….to giving God the right answer. They were real women with real-life circumstances. Ruth is an example for when you must make a decision, but don't know what to do. Also, Sarah….for when you can't understand God and impatience threatens to overwhelm you. Whether you have tried to help God as Sarah did, were promiscuous in your youth as Rahab was or had more than one relationship or marriage that didn't work out like the woman at the well……you can be encouraged and know that despite what you deem as flaws, you are not alone. We are not called to “perfection” before saying YES….we just need to hear His call and say, “yes, I will follow.”

If we are readers of the Bible, we know their stories. Maybe we can relate to some of the issues and questions they faced. No matter the difficulty or “how can this be” of the situation….they all remained faith-filled and said YES to God. God blesses the promises you keep to Him. Do not miss your moment with God and follow your Jesus-led heart to find your hope. Imagine what it would be like to visit heaven and meet “the giants of the faith”….the men and women who had their lives transformed by God. 
God broke the mold when He made you. We are all originals! We were not created from Adam’s head to rule over him, we were not created from Adam’s feet to be walked on. We were created from his rib to be his equal and walk alongside him. We can all be heroes of faith…..we just need to respond with YES.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Hebrews 12:1

God has a plan for each of us. We, individually, have a race to run. It is up to you and me to say YES to His calling, to His plan and run the race as the “cloud of witnesses” look on and cheer us forward.

"Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her!" Luke 1:45


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