CANCER: Turning the Corner....New Treatment

Radiation Complete: Celebration with Family
May 24, 2019

Well, I told the harrowing side of my Monday, May 20th in my last blog post. So on we go....

Before beginning Monday's treatment, I only had 5 treatments left so this is a huge week for me. My burn; however, has continued to increase over the past week. Today is May 25th and this week just compiled the burn that I was already experiencing. I have a few bad spots and makes it difficult to wear any clothing. Everything rubs and irritates it. In passing, I will make note that I am still dealing with Lymphatic Cording from my Bilateral Mastectomy and removal of lymph nodes. My reach continues to improve, but I continue to feel a resistance when I raise my arms and stretch for something. I am sure it will continue to improve. I have come a long way from when I first had surgery and I am sure that I will continue to progress. 

I met with Dr. Salter following my Monday radiation treatment for our regular consultation. She came in with her entourage of medical professionals who have been a part of my radiation therapy from the beginning. It was a bit emotional. Dr. Salter turned out to be one of the sweetest doctors that I have had in this journey. At first she was distant, but we warmed up to each other and Monday, we all gave hugs to each other and left in tears. She said I was looking really well and had done great. She was still concerned about the burning in my upper chest/neck area. She warned again that it could get even worse after treatment before getting better. Dr. Salter said if it got to bad to come in and let her look at it. I have to continue to use the prescription medications for the burn until it goes away completely. 

After I finished my radiation treatment and consultation, I went to the Alabama RX upstairs for a consultation about my medication. Since I have to get the radiation burn gone as much as possible, I have to wait 4 weeks prior to starting the oral chemo pill. It will actually be 10 pills per day (5 in the morning and 5 in the evening). I am to take them two weeks and off one week and continue that pattern for the course of the oral chemo treatment. On my off week, I will go to Dr. Bondly, my Medical "chemo" Oncologist and have blood work done. Each pill is 500 mg so I will be taking 5000 mg per day. They told me again that the co-pay is $360 per 140 pills. Lifting prayers that all will be figured out financially. The Pharmacist told me that one of the side-effects that I can probably expect from the oral chemo pill is Palmar-Plantar Erythrodysesthesia (Hand-Foot Syndrome). I NEVER wanted to experience that again! I posted a few pics below as a reminder of Hand-Foot Syndrome. The Pharmacist did say that my case should not be as severe this time. I pray that he is 100% correct! It messes with the nerves in your hands and is terrible! He told me a specific medication that he wants me to get and start using now...4 weeks prior to beginning the oral chemo pill. He said that it will help prepare my hands and feet and hopefully will also lessen the burn on my palms and the bottom of my feet. 

After leaving the Alabama RX, I went to the St. Vincent's Home Medical Supply to show them my letter about my oxygen. They confirmed that I could not continue with oxygen unless I started from scratch....from back in February....repeated the tests and then, I had to be in a chronic state...yet stable...before my insurance would cover it any longer. Dr. Jason Fain ordered an over-night sleep study to see if he could take me off the oxygen completely. Because the chemo Taxotere had caused Pneumonitis, Respiratory Failure, and Hypoxia...he did not want to just take me completely off the oxygen without making sure that I will not suffer any negative repercussions when the oxygen is removed at night. I left the St. Vincent's Home Medical Supply Office and went upstairs to the Jason Fain Pulmonary Clinic. I explained the situation and I was told to go to the billing office. The woman there was very nice, understood what needed to be done and called the Medical Supply. She faxed them my records. Medical Supply said that I would have to take a test to prove the need for the over-night oxygen test; however, if the need could be proved, they would administer the test. If approved, the insurance company will pay 80% which will leave me owing 20% of an amount that I do not yet know. I will find this out next week. If it is too high, I will just have the oxygen picked-up and pray for no complications. 

My treatments continued to go well....just getting more burnt, but I lotion and oil up everyday....two times a day. It is very painful again to swallow, but I know that will pass soon after I stop getting the radiation scatter in my esophagus. Same is true with my hoarseness. I wanted to do something special for the receptionist and techs because they have been awesome to me. They played Contemporary Christian Music for me while going through my treatments....and although I was bound everyday....that helped to calm me and got me through it. I make jewelry so I made some pieces for the precious ones who played a very real and active part in my healing from cancer. My kiddos took me by Duncan Donuts prior to my morning session at the Bruno Cancer Center, Radiation Clinic. I usually have a 1:45 pm appointment, but they told me I could come in early on my last day, May 24th, and get it behind me in-order to free up the rest of my day. Michael and Ashleigh picked out donuts for all of my techs and a box of mixed donut holes for our sweet valets. My grands were with us and we all went to the Radiation Clinic together to CELEBRATE my last day of radiation. It was a wonderful day! Everyone started eating their donuts and put on their jewelry. I used Tree of Life charms on some of the jewelry and that presented a great opportunity more time....share Jesus and the Christian faith. Two of my younger techs did not know about the Tree of Life and how we should live in it. They were amazed and in awe when I finished telling them about it. That made my day! 

I received a Congratulations Balloon and a Certificate. It is so strange, but I am sitting here now with tears streaming. I will miss these precious souls and all of the ladies I met in our holding room. Some are now my friends on Facebook and we will continue to keep in touch. I also felt a sense of loss when I completed my chemo treatments. There is a sister-hood/brother-hood - a connectedness - that is felt between all of us who are fighting our personal war with cancer. Without a word spoken, we know the battle from the inside out and we automatically have a bond. I have enjoyed sharing Jesus through my chemo and radiation treatments. I will miss that. However, it is onward from here and I will continue to share Him in new ways and with new ears to hear. 

I have a follow-up appointment scheduled for June 19th with Dr. Salter, my Radiation Oncologist. And, I have a follow-up appointment scheduled with Dr. Bondly, my Medical "chemo" Oncologist for June 20th. If I receive clearance at that time, I will "prayerfully" begin my oral chemo treatments for the next 6 months. 

I have met so many awesome people during the radiation part of my journey! So many different stories, experiences, and testimonies of faith in the darkness have been shared between some of us in the ladies holding room...where we change into our gowns and wait to be taken back for treatment. All ages, we come together and are united through the war we are fighting. 

My story could have been so much worse. For me, I should have a good outcome. After I do all I can do, I will have a 20% chance of cancer returning. However, I believe I can cut those odds even more by eating foods that do not cause cancer and eating foods that fight cancer. In addition....I have the Great Physician Who has been healing me throughout my cancer journey and He isn't about to stop now. I know He has great things in store for me. Some of the ladies, both young and old are suffering at different places along their journey. One very sweet young lady, Brooke, just graduated from Samford with her Doctorate and she is preparing for her Residency in Tennessee. But, she has breast cancer at 24 years old, has already had 3 different rounds of radiation over the course of the past 18 months and has had surgery that will keep her from ever becoming a the natural way. I met a lady this week, Linda, who had tongue cancer 2 1/2 years ago. She did not have chemo or radiation, but did have surgery. She was told that she was Cancer Free. Now, it is back in a lymph node in her neck. It came from residual cancer that could not be found until it grew to at least 1 Centimeter. Now, she is in her early stages of 36 rounds of radiation. She saw that I am a believer and before I went back for my final treatment yesterday, she reached out her hands and asked if she could pray for me. She prayed over me and blessed me with the most heartfelt, tender prayer. a lady in her upper 70's and is quite the character. She has lung cancer and fighting as hard as she can, but she isn't doing well. She doesn't seem to be a faith-filled believer so I made it a point every-time we were together to purposefully point her to Jesus and to give Him thanks for all good things in this journey. Sandy, a mom and just had one child graduate high school. I feel that she is still in shock and maybe a bit in denial. She doesn't seem to have grasped the reality of it all yet, but I know she will get there. Tomsina is a beautiful 49 year old mom who is in radiation, but also dealing with complications from reconstruction surgery that went bad and an expander had to be removed. Please lift all who are going through a battle with cancer in your prayers. Believe me....they need them! 

There are so many souls that God has put in my path along my journey with cancer. I pray I have touched their hearts and their lives in a positive way and it is my desire to continue as He leads me. 

Life is brief and I will not take my days for granted. "For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes." James 4:14 I will do today the things that have lasting value and I will stop to hear other people's stories. I will spend time...unhurried and undistracted...with my kiddos and grand-kiddos. I will be present with the people God brings into my life. I will take each day as a gift from His Hand because every breath I take, every sunrise I experience, every "I love you" that I hear....EVERYTHING is a gift from our Father and Holy Creator. 

Thank you all who continue to walk this cancer journey with me and who faithfully lift me in your daily prayers....calling out my name before our Father. Many of you have walked every step with me since my diagnosis on September 10, 2018. We are almost 9 months in now. I have gone through so much, but have come so far. Your love shown to me in every way has been felt and deeply appreciated. Love you all!

If you feel led to make a "love offering," all 
assistance is appreciated. 

My GoFundMe:


Radiation Burn 5-25-19

Photos from Hand - Foot Syndrome 
January 2019

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer  #GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  
#HeProtectsMe   #WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow  
#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   #GodisaGoodGod  
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus
#Taxotere #MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  
#CrushingCancer  #CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed  
#MyGoalisCancerFree  #Pulmonary  #Radiation


  1. Prayers for you through your cancer journey. Prayers for you and family daily.
    Love you my friend ��

  2. Thank you so much, Diane. Love you.

  3. I just read this blog. I am so sorry for all your burning, swallowing pain and problems, and your hoarseness. I can't imagine covering your burns with clothing. I pray that you heal from these burns a lot sooner than you expect to.

    I'll be praying for your June 19th and 20th appointments. I pray that your chemo does not cause all the problems with your hands and feet that your last one did. I remember those pictures, and I cannot imagine all that pain.

    I am praying for you, and the people you mentioned that are suffering so. My heart is with them all. There is so much suffering in our world. I praise God for your family who loves you so very much. I know they are quite the cheering team. They bless you so, just as you have blessed all of those who you have met along the way.

    Keep on being you. You are so precious to me. You have strengthened my own faith. I love you

  4. You are such a dear friend and sister in Christ. It is as if I have known you forever. You are such a true friend and one that I know I can share everything with. And, that is such a blessing. You are a strong woman of God and an awesome prayer warrior! I pray that I will be able to continue uplifting and encouraging others and shine His light over those who were hurting and suffering… And especially over those who are lost and feel no hope. Love you my pink sister.


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