CANCER: A Whirlwind, But God is in Control!

I have not had much, treatment wise, to write about lately. I am doing so well considering all I have gone through in the past 8 months. It has been a whirlwind....non-stop from mammograms, sonograms, multiple biopsies, surgery, to treatment, to another surgery, to kick this cancer out of my body. There have been multiple CT Scans and PET Scans, 2 EKG's, 2 ECG's,  MANY blood tests, Chemo treatments (4 months), 2 surgeries: Port Surgery and Bilateral Mastectomy, Radiation (every day for 29 days)....and on and on. 

After radiation, I will begin the Xeloda Chemo pill for 6 months. I had debated whether or not to take it, but I have had my Medical Oncologist and my Radiation Oncologist both tell me that I should take it. It gives me an additional 5% chance of my cancer not returning. That doesn't sound like a when you factor in all of the negative side-effects that can attack your body. However, as Dr. Salter, my Radiation Oncologist told me, "It would be a shame to do all that you have done and all that you have gone through to not take the Xeloda Chemo pill.....and that extra 5% be what could have kept cancer from returning to your body." Well, when it is put like take the pill. Dr. Bondly, my Medical - Chemo Oncologist has assured me that if I have any serious side-effects...we will stop the pill if I choose to do so. 

I started off my Monday, May 6th, with my normal radiation treatment and all went great. Every Monday I have a consultation with Dr. Salter and 3 members of her team. She was extremely pleased with how I am doing. There remains some concern about the radiation scatter getting on my esophagus. My throat pain went away for about a week and a half, then it reared it's "ugly head" again. I am back to barely being able to swallow. The "Miracle Mouthwash" is little help. The pain is really intense....very similar to the throat pain I went through with chemo. However, with chemo my entire mouth was messed-up and everything either tasted horrible, had no taste, or set my mouth on fire. For now, my taste is not great, but with chemo it was much worse. So, I will count that as a blessing! My voice is very raspy. Sounds like I am hoarse and need to clear my throat, but it doesn't clear. 

I had a follow-up check-up with my breast surgeon, Dr. Princess Thomas. She was pleased with how well I am doing and said my chest looks....well, as to be expected. Not at all a pretty sight, but I am thankful to be alive and killing this cancer. I do, however, still have the hematoma. Prior to beginning radiation, Dr. Thomas drew 100ccs off the hematoma. But, now that my mapping has been done and I am in the middle of radiation, we can't do anything to change its size. I don't know why my body isn't absorbing it. Hopefully, it will eventually go away without having to do any other procedure. 

I am counting down the days now. The week of May 13th....all went well and with nothing out of the ordinary. I have met so many wonderful cancer patients at the Bruno Cancer Center - Radiation Oncology. There is a room...a holding room...where we get changed from our street clothes into our gowns....and it is there that we get to meet other patients and share stories. I shine Jesus into their lives as much as I can. Some have grim stories to share, but most remain hopeful. There are some who are not believers and I stress the love of Jesus even more with them. When walking a cancer journey, God opens so many doors and sends many opportunities to be a living testimony for Him. 

Tomorrow, May 20th, I begin my last week of radiation. Only 5 treatments left! YAY! I am going to miss my radiation techs....Norman, Janet, Sonya, Brittany, Jessie, and Ella....along with Dr. Salter and her team. They have been phenomenal in every way! I am blessed to have the caliber of cancer warriors that I have had on my Chemo and Radiation Oncology teams. 

Tomorrow, after radiation, I have an appointment to meet with one of the Pharmacist at the Alabama RX located in the Bruno Cancer Center. The Alabama RX is a pharmacy dedicated to meeting the specialized needs of cancer patients as well as those on blood disorder medications. They are an intricate extension of the comprehensive treatment service provided by Alabama Oncology. The Pharmacist will be going over with me the Chemo drug Xeloda and explain the dosing process and expected side-effects.

It has been an unexpected and at times frightening medical journey with Bilateral Breast Cancer. However, God is teaching me many heart lessons through this confrontation. These lessons are ongoing chapters in a much longer story God is writing with  my life. 

"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord 
establishes his steps." 
 Proverbs 16:9

"I know O Lord, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps."
Jeremiah 10:23

No matter how hard I work or what I do, I cannot control people, outcomes in ministry, other's choices, or unexpected turns in my own health. There is no formula in Scripture that will guarantee desired outcomes if I simply do the "right thing." What can I do...what can you our God of everlasting mercy and goodness. He is in control...He is leading. 

If you would like to make a "love offering," all 
assistance is appreciated. 

My GoFundMe:

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer  #GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  
#HeProtectsMe   #WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow  
#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   #GodisaGoodGod  
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus
#Taxotere #MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  
#CrushingCancer  #CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed  
#MyGoalisCancerFree  #Pulmonary  #Radiation


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