
Showing posts from October, 2019

Devotional: Be Still.....

“Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10a Psalm 46 is a song for Zion, God’s holy city where His people dwell with Him....the city is holy because God dwells in it. This Psalm is all about security with God that God is our true home. It’s mostly written in third-person, but at verse 10 there’s a change and God speaks directly.  Throughout the 11 verses, we also read several descriptions about God....His characteristics and attributes: He is our refuge, He is strong, pr esent, and a great help to those who are weak. God is higher than all else and able to rule above all. At His voice the earth melts. A big takeaway from Psalm 46 is that the people of God are always secure no matter what environment we may be living in on Earth....turmoil, war, destruction, etc.  God has secured the souls of believers through  His Son Jesus the Christ. As baptized believers and disciples of Jesus, we have no cause for fear....we can be still and know He is God.  Am

CANCER: It Takes A Trial To Have A Testimony....

It Takes A Trial To Have A Testimony As I have said before, I do not show the "ugly" of my story to serve any purpose of my own. Yes, I do covet all prayers very much! However, I have mainly shown the "bad and the ugly" of cancer I have learned in my own many are truly unaware of what a cancer patient goes through.  Everyday can have its challenges. Not all days are bad, but we must have the bad to get to the good. I often refer to it as "walking through fire" and in my case, with my continued Hand-Foot Syndrome (Palmar-Plantar Erythrodysesthesia), I feel as if I have literally felt the pain and suffering of the "fire." But, I know that God is leading my journey and I can feel the working of the Holy Spirit in my life as He guides me on my path. God uses medicines and earthly treatments to bring healing to our sick bodies. And, yes, sometimes He works miracles that go far beyond what earthly medicines can ac

CANCER: Hand-Foot Syndrome and Orthopedic.....

I went to the orthopedic doctor yesterday and had my first Euflexxa shot in my left knee. We went by the Vulcan, but I wasn’t able to walk up to it, so Ashleigh took the pictures for me. By the time we got home I barely could walk from the car into the house because my feet were hurting so bad.  I’m very thankful that today is my last day of this round of chemo. I will have a week off and then I have two more rounds of chemo which should take me into mid-December… And hopefully then I will be through with chemo!  This is how my feet and hands are tonight. (Pics Below) They have been much worse before. This too shall pass and I will be happy to not have this issue ever again.  God is leading and He is healing! I thank you all for your continued prayers. I pray for all of you as well and thank God for all of you. Love y'all! If you feel led to make a " love offering ," all  assistance is appreciated. My medical bills continue

Devotional: Sunday Night Thoughts: Discipleship...Reaching the Lost

Sunday Night's Thoughts: We must disciple the lost...not try to convert the already saved. “And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age’” - Matthew 28:18–20 If we are baptized believers and followers of Jesus, WHY are we spending most of our energy trying to convert other Christians? Rather than “going out to the lost” whether in our neighborhood or around the world…we focus on converting the already saved to whatever fellowship or tribe to which we assemble with. Can we not realize how ridiculous that is and what a waste of our time and energy that is? Do we REALLY believe that when Jesus said to go make disciples and baptize them that He meant to convert the saved to our tribe an

CANCER: I Am 1 of 268,600...But, I Am Also 1 of the 72%

As most, hopefully all, of you know….especially the ladies….it is October and Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We often think the “bad” won’t happen to us. I think we are especially prone to think this way when we have never had breast cancer in our immediate family. The diagnosis comes as an utter shock and somewhat of disbelief. Although this is true, I never cried out to God and questioned “why me?” Because if I questioned “why me,” I would have to do the same for the other estimated 268,600 women in the United States who will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, and 62,930 women who will be diagnosed with in situ breast cancer just this year. There are so many variables that play into the “why,” but one thing I know for sure…..God did NOT give me or anyone else breast cancer or any other form of cancer. He loves His girls and boys and He desires for all of us to live, thrive, and enjoy this beautiful world that He created for us. I learned within days of my first m