RACISM: We are a severely fractured society....It MUST end!

I am sad, angry, shocked, and appalled. God created ONE race....the human race with many blends of colors. We have taken His beautiful color palette and have created something evil from it.....racism. No all of us, of course, but hating someone, abusing someone, killing someone because of the color of their skin, ethnicity, and social standing is far beyond my comprehension. How far from God has His creation fallen from Him! 😭
I honestly try to avoid racial and/or political issues on Facebook or other public forums. All it normally does is cause conflict and words back and forth between those in disagreement and resolves nothing. However, I just read that Joshua Brown, the young neighbor of Botham Jean, who testified in the trial has now been shot numerous times in a drive-by and he has lost his life. I have watched Joshua's testimony and he spoke his truth and was kind, broken, and his testimony was not overly accusatory toward the officer...he merely spoke what he saw and heard. I don't know who is responsible for unmercifully shooting him down in a parking lot, but our country is in a very sad state of depravity and has a lack of respect for human life. We, as a country and as individuals, need Jesus placed at the forefront. 

In addition, a story of a homeless man, Donald Neely, has just come to the surface. Back in August, Mr. Neely was treated with the utmost disrespect as he was walked through the streets of Galveston, tied to a horse, by two police officers. I have a brief video and article attached regarding this incident.
What in the world!!??!! I feel like we have stepped back in time forty or fifty years. We can not pretend to be blind and ignorant to the atrocities that are daily going on around us. We cannot as Christians and as human beings stay silent and the circumstances. My heart feels broken for those who are being subjected to unjust, inhumane, and vile treatment I honestly canNOT believe the utter violence and disregard for human life that I am seeing. As believers and disciples of Jesus we canNOT just complacently sit back and do nothing. But, what can we do? Those who are abusing our fellow humanity must answer for their wrong and at a high penalty that will hopefully make others stop and reassess the issue before doing the wrong thing. Whether they receive justice in this life, they will answer for their wrong as God is a just and fair God.
Please join me in praying for those who have been subjected to suffering unjustly at the hands of others, pray for the families of those who have lost loved ones, and pray for our officers and officials who are mistreating others to have a serious "come to Jesus" moment. 🙏😭


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