Devotional: We Are "Surrounded By a Cloud of Witnesses....Saints"

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1

Just as we are taking steps of obedience now, the bleachers of heaven are filled with people who have already faced the enemy and won their fight. They faced the impossible; they accomplished the unthinkable; and they stand as proof that we can make it too. They’re all cheering us on to victory! Just listen with the ears of faith, and we’ll hear them saying, “Go for it! You can do it! Your faith will carry you through!”

***A side-note about the word "cloud".....The Greek word nephos, translated “clouds,” has an additional meaning that is very exciting when understood in this context. In ancient, classical Greek times, the word “clouds” was used to describe the highest seats in the bleachers of a stadium. The seats at the very top of the stadium were called the clouds because they were so high up in the air. If you had gone to a sports competition with a ticket for one of these seats, your usher might have said, “Your seat is in the clouds today.” This meant you’d be seated in the highest row available in the bleachers.

My Dear Father, thank You for reminding us that we are not the first to walk by faith. Others have walked this walk before us, and they did it with power and with grace. If they were able to do it, I know we can do it too, but we must have Your assistance to make it all the way through. So today, I look to You to give us everything we inwardly need to keep marching ahead in order to achieve the things You have ordained for us! In Jesus Precious Name, Amen and Amen!


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