Orthopedic Specialist: MRI Updates & Cancer Journey

Today, I met with my Orthopedic Specialist, Dr. Mark Elkus to get the results of my MRI's. 

Left Knee:

I have severe Osteoarthritis in my left knee. It is too severe to be helped by Arthroscopy surgery. In addition, I have a Meniscus tear in my left knee. At this time, he does not want to put me through a knee replacement surgery considering that I am on chemo and several other medications at this time. 

I will continue for the next three months to take an anti-inflammatory medication and go to BenchMark Rehab. For further treatment, he wants to draw fluid off my knee. Then, he wants me to do a three week injection program. Euflexxa - Sodium Hyaluronate Acid (HA) will be injected into my knee....one injection per week. Dr. Elkus also wants me to wear a knee brace for support until we see how my knee will improve.

Right Shoulder:

I have a torn Rotator Cuff. And, I have bone spurs. There again, because of all I am going through, Dr. Elkus wants to try to treat my shoulder without surgery. Today, I had a steroid injection into my shoulder. He wants me to have rehab therapy on my shoulder and see where we need to go from there. But, he wants to try to avoid surgery. 

There were no "surprises" in the MRI results. Dr. Elkus had pretty accurately pinpointed my issues prior to the MRI's, but he wanted to be sure that there was nothing else going on. 

I feel good about my results and I am so blessed and thankful to have a doctor who does not want to jump straight to surgery. I am so very thankful that I have zero cancer in my knee or shoulder! So awesome! Thank You, Jesus!

On a cancer note:

I am still dealing with the peeling of hands and feet....along with sensitivity in my hands to heat and cold; however, it is manageable. I am still on my week break from chemo. I go back to my Medical Oncologist, Dr. Bondly, tomorrow. 

I am concerned and I know she will find it concerning that I am experiencing so much swelling in my feet and ankles. I am also experiencing swelling in my hands and at times I have a difficult time closing my hands. Some chemotherapy drugs can cause fluid retention in the body. This form of cancer swelling is usually noticeable in the feet, ankles, hands, and face. It is a vascular reaction that causes an increased ability for fluid in the cells to leak into the layers of the skin. I am sure that Dr. Bondly will give this a close look tomorrow. I am sitting with my feet elevated as much as possible, but currently.....even that is really not helping very much.

I have also started taking my "lifetime" pill - Letrozole. So far, no issues or complications from it. YAY! I pray that holds true from now on. 

****Pics of feet/ankles below****

God is leading and God is healing!

I thank you all for your continued prayers. I pray for all of you as well and thank God for all of you. Love y'all!

Living my journey for Jesus the Christ....Thank you God for the opportunity! 

All I need to ask is....Dear Father, what do YOU want from me? In Your Son's Name, Amen!

If you feel led to make a "love offering," all 
assistance is appreciated. 

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy   
#GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors
#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus
#MyGoalisCancerFree #Orthopedic


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