Wednesday Devotional: Celebrate Life!

Don't listen to the world when they tell you who you are, what you are capable of, that you are less than, or not worthy. Those are all lies of satan. We learn in John 8:44, "When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." 

Satan is also sly and cunning. Sometimes it is difficult for us to decipher truth from his lies. We often fall prey to the negative voices in our head or to the dismantling words of others as we allow ourselves to shut-down, be cast-out, and made to feel set-a-part from those who are deemed better, more the "approved" of society. Satan will often use those around us to bring us to doubt. 

Not only does he cause us to doubt ourselves, but satan might also cause us to start doubting God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. It might not be direct or even noticeable to you, however, satan can make us question our salvation, how much we are loved by our Father, are our prayers even being listened to...... Jesus let us know how much we are worth when he was beaten for our sins. He showed us how much we are loved when he climbed on a cross and was willing to be hammered to it so eternal life can be ours. Our Father demonstrated how much He loves and cherishes each one of us when He gave His precious, sinless Son for our redemption. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16) The Holy Spirit came to live within each baptized believer so that we never have to be alone.

 How awesome! We are so covered in love! God wants only the best for His children. Does the best always happen? No, because we live in a world that has rejected Jesus, but one by one we are reuniting ourselves to Him. 

The "best" is yet to come and His disciples will live-out eternity in that "best" that He has promised us. Live a celebratory filled with hope, joy, and assurance! We, His saved, have no reason to doubt our worthiness or our abilities. Reach for the stars and dream big....follow-up those dreams with action and they can become a reality. 

You ARE awesome!


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