CANCER: Starting Chemo Count-Down! (Graphic Photos Included)

It has been a rough 6 months. I went to my Oncologist, Dr. Bondly, at the Bruno Cancer Center on November 14th. I got my regular blood work and all looked good, except I have low Vitamin D again. So, she gave me another prescription for 3 months. 

Dr. Bondly gave me a check-up and said that all looked really well. She was proud of how well I have done and how I have remained strong through-out my cancer journey. She does want me to have a colonoscopy in January and also a bone scan in January or February. We discussed the medications that I have been on and am now on and again, she assured me that I am on the best program for my type of cancer. This Sunday, November 24th, I will begin "prayerfully" my last round of chemo. WOW! That sounds awesome to me!

I asked Dr. Bondly about when I would be able to have another PET Scan to see where I stand? I was told that after all of my treatments that I would be have another scan to see if any residual cancer got through my lymph nodes. Well, she told me that was not going to happen. I already knew that a tumor has to be at least one centimeter before it will show up in a PET Scan. However, I figured if a cell had got through before my treatment and surgery, it would probably show up now. Dr. Bondly said that if it got through and has metastasized, a PET Scan is not going to help. She said that they are not always dependable and she would not be ordering one. Dr. Bondly said that if it has spread, I will recognize it by severe pain, weight loss, fever, a difference in the way I am feeling....etc. She said my prognosis would not chance if it was found in a non-symptomatic PET Scan or through symptoms that I am experiencing.

This is the first time I can remember not agreeing with my Oncologist. I am not scheduled to see her again until early February. I am also scheduled to see my breast surgeon, Dr. Princess Thomas, on February 17th. I will discuss the PET Scan when I see her. I just do NOT feel good about this. I want to hear, "NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE!" I don't want to be left guessing and wondering......waiting for a symptom. I know the PET Scan does not keep the cancer from coming back, but after all I have gone through since the beginning, I would like confirmation that all the treatments and surgery have done what they were supposed to. 

Don't get me wrong, I do believe I am healed and cancer free; however, I just want it documented. 

I am still dealing with my torn meniscus and arthritis in my left knee. Also, my torn rotatory cuff in my right shoulder and bone spurs. I have been on a series of shots. I pray they will help. I was supposed to have already started physical therapy, but have not been able to because of my Hand-Foot Syndrome. I hope to be able to start soon. 

Jesus, You are the Light in me! Your Spirit continues to fill me, guide me, and comfort me. You are alive in me. My Father, my Abba, my Papa....You love me so dearly and hold me so close in Your arms. I have never not felt Your presence in this journey. You are our Holy Creator, yet You come down to me, love on me, wrap Your arms around me, let me know You are here, and You are healing me. I am so thankful, so blessed! 


God loves. God listens. God understands. God rules. God wins. This is the ground and substance of faith. It enables us to endure suffering, and it empowers faith. 
It is the substance of God's story among His people, and 
God's story gives faith its confidence. 

If you feel led to make a "love offering," to help pay toward my medical expenses.....all 
assistance is appreciated. 


I have come so far. God is so good and He has been so good to me. He has blessed me in more ways than I could ever number.

I wasn't going to say anything, but why would I not take my concerns to my friends, family, brothers and sisters in Christ. I am sure that all is going to prove to be fine, but until that is confirmed, I need you to join me in prayer. A couple of days ago, I felt a painful sensitivity on the right side of my chest and near my underarm. I felt what I can only describe as feeling like a marble. Considering my double mastectomy....I know that my skin is close to muscle, possible scar tissue, and possibly residual hematoma that never completely absorbed into my body. Not sure what is going on, but I called the Bruno Cancer Center. My Oncologist wants to see me Tuesday morning to check it out more closely and just to make sure that nothing more serious is going on. I do NOT believe it is, but considering what I am going through....I canNOT take chances.

I would appreciate the prayers of each of you. Please pray that this is NOT cancer and that it is nothing to be concerned about. In all times, it is a gift to go before our Father. But, it is a very special blessing when we are facing the unknown. He knows all and has the power to heal, refresh, and renew. Amen! God continues to lead my journey....step by step.

On bended knee I come pleading, dear Father, for my continued healing. I pray for my earthly life so that I may continue in my service to You here and to have much more time with my family. In Jesus’ Mighty and Holy Name I claim this to be true and in Your will. Amen!

UPDATE: Tuesday - November 26th

Just got vitals. Waiting for check-up and consultation with Dr. Bondly. Feeling excited to get answers verifying that all is good. God is awesome!

Dr. Bondly said that what I was feeling is scar tissue along with residual from the hematoma that I got during surgery. I have previously had 100 cc drawn off of the hematoma. For some reason, my body has not absorbed the rest of it… but, it does not offer any harm to me. The pain and sensitivity that I am experiencing, Dr. Bondly said may not ever go away. But, that’s ok. I can live with that for sure. I’m still dealing with Hand – Foot Syndrome, but that should save the store getting better.

Thank you all for your continued prayers. God is so AWESOME! Praise God! My faith stands firm on His goodness and promises.

God's sovereignty emboldens my faith, grounds my contentment, and enables me to submit to God's purposes. Amen!

God is leading and He is healing!

"Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you." - Deut. 31:8

I thank you all for your continued prayers. I pray for all of you as well and thank God for all of you. 
Love y'all!

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy   
#GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors
#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus
#MyGoalisCancerFree   #Orthopedic

My Recent Hand-Foot Syndrome Pics




My Bilateral Mastectomy was on March 5th. My scars have healed really well as you can see from looking at the two pics above. There are some ugly "bags" and "sunken" places. The sunken places are where my drain tubes were. The extra skin "bags" really bothered me at first, but they have gone down a lot. They felt like I had pillows under my arms, but I have got used to them now. I am blessed and thankful for how far I have come in this journey.


  1. Your chest scars look so much better, and I am so glad that your doctor is going to see you Tuesday morning and NOT wait until February. I, too, would want to have my health documented.
    Meanwhile I am praying that your test results on Tuesday will show no cancer.

    I cannot believe all that you have had to endure and how faithful you and God have been with EACH OTHER. I pray that my faith will hold up during trials and testing as well as yours has.

    I love you, Patricia. Keep on being 'you'.

    Prayers continue.

    1. Thank you so much. I appreciate your kind words and I especially appreciate your prayers. You are much stronger than you realize I'm sure. God is provides my strength. I wish I knew who you are as it says "Unknown." Thank you for writing a response.


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