Devotional: Pray for the World!

Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Heaven is home for God’s children. The world’s pressure to fit us into its mold is suffocating. Paul encouraged, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world” (Romans 12:2). One of the greatest survival tactics we’ve been given is prayer, an open channel of communication with the one true God. He has the power to move in our lives and through our circumstances. Prayer allows us to unload the burdens of this world into His capable hands and plugs us into peace here on earth. Praying the word of God is a powerful tool of comfort in the world we live in.
Dear Father, creation sings of Your majesty. Created in Your image, we are a direct reflection of You. Every good thing comes from You. Every note of love and goodness we feel and extend is rooted in Your great love for us. Whether we know Jesus yet or not, we know love. We all know what it feels like to love and be loved. It is this commonality that supplies the empathy we need to see each other for the people You created us to be. Help us to find the good in every person You place in our lives and on our paths, Father. You are not a God of coincidence. You watch over us, encourage us, and love us perfectly. You are faithful to hear us and answer our prayers. You are close to the brokenhearted. Precious and Holy Father, we are in awe of how You orchestrate the days of our lives and the individual love You have for each of us and our purposes. We are all unique, every person, and it brings You joy when we recognize each other for the people we are in You. Love leads us to love others for You. The Great Commission, to spread the gospel, starts with love. Father God, today I pray for every soul on earth to embrace Jesus Christ. His selflessness is reflected in our lives when we follow Him in faith, allowing others to catch a glimpse of who He is. We pray to be good representatives of love on earth, Father. Give us the courage to live our faith boldly and consistently. Clean hypocrisy out of our hearts and wipe away prejudice and favoritism. Give us strength and sight. Help us to look at each other through the lens of love. It is in this way Your alive and active Word will travel to every far corner of earth. All will have a chance to hear the gospel, and we praise You for that! Bless this world and bring the hope of Jesus into every corner of every heart. Just knowing who You are is not enough. Telling of You is not enough. Help us to live boldly and selflessly, to model love accurately and completely, to anyone and everyone. Help us to speak words of life and promise over everyone. Continue to fill and empower us with Your Holy Spirit. Make Your ways….our ways. In Your Son Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen and Amen!


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