CANCER: Whiny Baby....Intense Pain!

I really hate being a whiny baby (not really a whiny baby....but you get my meaning), but the pain in my feet and hands… Especially in my feet… Have just been so intense today. Between the burning of my feet and the swelling, I have not been able to go to church for the last three Sundays. 

Today has just been extremely painful and when I put my house-shoes on to walk, I virtually have to unstick my feet from my house-shoes to get my feet out of them because my feet have so much heat. Today I rode to Irondale with Ashleigh, Michael, and Norah Jane and it was just a disaster. I wanted to get out of the house for a few minutes and I wanted to go to some thrift stores to look at old jewelry. I like to disassemble old jewelry to re-purpose it with jewelry I make, but all I could do was drag my feet across the floor with intense pain. I’m not sure if it was the pain or just the chemo, but I also got really nauseated. I ended up shedding just a few tears because it has been one of those tough days… But I know this too shall pass and I will overcome. God is my strength, my Comfort, and my Healer.

Chemo compiles… In other words you don’t just take it for a round and it disappears and then you go to your next round. It continues to work and build to the next round, to the next round....and so on. Since I am nearing the end of my six months of this oral chemo, I am really not getting a break in between my rounds. Therefore, it just continues to get worse. I will finish this round, then I have a week break and then going to my last round which should put me getting through around mid December. Praise God! Praise God! What a day of rejoicing that will be… 

Although, the chemo will remain with me for a while after I stop taking it. Which means, it will be after the first of the year at some point before it really completely clears out. The main thing is, we pray that it is doing what it is supposed to do and will give me that extra 5% of lessening the chance of the cancer returning. Every percentage counts!

Also, what a lot of people do not realize about Hand-Foot Syndrome is that it is directly in connection with your nervous system. Therefore, it can cause severe nerve pain and neuropathy as well. I have experienced horrific throbbing and pain in my nerves as well as some neuropathy. However, so for the neuropathy has not been permanent. 

I would really appreciate your prayers that my pain will decrease and I will be able to stay on the dose that I am currently on. My Oncologist has already had to cut it twice and I don’t need to have to have it lessened again. It’s also more than what you see on the outside because it can start having affect on my blood, infection… etc. 


“The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing.” Psalm 23:1

When we are going through struggles, often experiencing what we don't have can remind us of what we do have. Experiencing what we can't do, can also remind us of what we can do. And for all of us, the question becomes, now, here is your real life....not the one you used to have or the one you longed for.....and what will you do with it? And the answer is, everything you possibly can, with your whole heart and open hands....until the end. Never stop, never give up....keep looking up and keep moving forward! Amen!

I thank you all for your continued prayers. I pray for all of you as well and thank God for all of you. Love y'all!

If you feel led to make a "love offering," all 
assistance is appreciated. 


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