Experiencing Pain and Sorrow........

In the middle of circumstances, we can not see, feel, or sometimes even believe the truth that is bundled in the words from Isaiah below. However, when we realize that there is no other comfort, there is no other strength, there is no other to lift us in our darkest time.....we learn the meanings to these words like never before. Life can forever be changed...in the very second it takes to breathe; however, through Him - His power - His strength - His loving comfort, we can hold on and without fear we can live another day......and some-days, living seems to be the hardest thing we can do. So many in deep heartache, sorrow, loss, illness....on and on, but Jesus will not leave us alone......
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." ~ Isaiah 41:10
Dear Merciful and Most Holy Father, please reach down and wrap Your loving arms around those who are hurting, struggling, and suffering through life's heartbreaks. Please give them the strength to endure the situations they are in. Help them to find Your blessings, even through the storms. Please, dear Father, give them the endurance to continue ahead. Please guide their thoughts, words, and actions so that they walk Your path of peace . God of all comfort, please give Your comfort in troubles and distress....when it feels the waters of life are about to cover us as we are drowning in our pain. My heart cries out to You for Your reassuring and healing touch. Hide the broken in the shadow of Your wings. Continue always to be an ever-present shelter and our loving Shepherd, dear Lord. Be the Rock to which we can cling. I have so many, Father, who I pray for daily and you know who they are. You know, heavenly Father, what their days ahead are going to look like. Be there, Let them feel Your Holy Presence. If not answers, Father, give them peace, direction, and the ability to live another day. In Your Son and our Savior's Most Precious Name, Amen....and Amen! †


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