
We must learn to follow God's lead without knowing where He is taking us. Easy...No way! Necessary? Yes! We will only reach the end destination that we desire by submitting all we have and all we are to Him. A life of surrender requires trust, and that trust is developed in the context of relationship. In order to surrender our lives to God, we must believe that He is good and is worthy of our trust. Perhaps that sounds easy and for some, it might be easier than it is for others. For many that is easier said than done and it is often due to doubt and disappointment from past experiences with people or churches. 

It is possible to become weary and harden our hearts by such things, but there is hope! We can begin to trust Jesus when we understand what He has done for each of us. He left heaven, He felt hunger, hurt, rejection, He was beaten, and crucified....all for us. He proved His love, He earned our trust, and He wants a relationship with each of us. As we magnify our Lord and Savior, our issues will become smaller.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight." ~ Proverbs 3:5-6


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