He Is Here.............

Sometimes the waves are so high, the turbulence so strong....feeling like being fully engulfed....The waves crash with monumental force! The skies dim as the sun fades behind the clouds and the rain starts to beat down. There is no understanding of why....Why did the storm have to come and rip happiness right out from under….Why? Weakness, despair, fear, complete sadness stomps as if there is no resistance against....just a sense of giving up...giving in. A heart rendered broken in pieces with wonder if it can ever mend. 

Dropping to knees, helplessly falling face forward, arms lifting to the heavens, uncontrollable crying, pleading…..overwhelmed, but yet in the middle a release is washing over, a freeing. Captured by His presence, hope comes in as doubt and fear are being chased away. His voice whispers….I said I would never leave you, I am here. His promises come flooding my soul like a mighty rushing wind. I will dry your tears, My comfort will be outpouring as My arms stretch around you. I will not allow you to fall for I am here to catch you when weariness of life tries to come upon you. Be still and know that I am here. Know that My love never fells. Through Me, you 


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