A BRAGGER...........

We do love to boast and brag don't we? No problem with sharing our achievements, but never at the cost of making others feel less. And in many cases, it is our bragging that is exactly for that purpose....to lift ourselves above someone else. Shame on us when we do that. To build ourselves up only to hurt another is not pleasing to our Creator. Most of us, at some point, have known the feeling of being less-than; therefore, let's keep that in the forefront of our minds and show meekness rather than pride. In our professional life, titles and accolades have their place, but in our day-to-day, we don't need the titles. Keep in mind that Jesus loves the "least of these" and wants none of His children to be hurt by another. If your horn is to be tooted, let it be done by others. That is an occasion for you to exude a humble character and maybe even an opportunity to lift up someone else.
"Don't brag about yourself let others praise you." ~ Proverbs 27:2
"God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth." ~ Matthew 5:5 


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