CANCER: Taxotere Chemo Round Two......

My Precious Father, I thought I was close to You before, but it was nothing like now. I am so aware of You in every aspect of my life. Throughout the day, I find myself talking to You, asking....which way to go? What to do with my time? What to say to a friend? What to write? It is as if during breast cancer You have drawn my heart into Yours in an unimaginable way. I have felt broken many times in my life, but You must have felt I needed a deeper, more intense breaking to truly know You. Not that you caused my cancer, but you have allowed it to happen to me for a greater purpose. I know there was still so much of me....and it needs to be just about You. It is so easy to let life and the world catch our attention and take some of our focus away from what is truly important. Thank You, precious Father, for continuing to break me in all the right places. I want my heart to beat with Yours.....and, yes, break with Yours. Please continue to do with me what You must. I know you are forging me into a better vessel to be used for your greater purpose than prior to cancer. I look forward to the earthly healing You are going to bless me with and for all that is going to follow. Father, I also plead today for all of your sons and daughters who are suffering illness, disease, heartache, and heartbreak. I pray for the lost that we, as Your believers, will learn who they are and reach out to them. I lift the poor, the homeless, those who are alone, and those who are in prison before You and ask that You led us to help them in all ways we have available to us. And, I know that through You, we can do more than we can imagine. It is in and through Your Son's Most Holy Name I bow before your Throne, Amen and Amen!

Ashleigh and I arrived for my 12:45 appointment on time and the waiting room was quite full. However, my wait time to go to the lab was not a long one. I was called back and escorted to the lab where I was weighed, and took my temperature. My temperature was normal and my blood-pressure was down so I was very pleased with that. The lab nurse always asks if I have any pain or complaints and checks my medication list to make sure that there are no changes there. I was extremely happy to report that I had NO pain and ZERO complaints. Since I was blessed to skip a week of chemo.....and YES, it turned out to be an awesome blessing.....I was feeling great and could not offer one negative. She proceeded to spray my port with a numbing medicine so that it would dull the pain when she stuck the needle in it....looks more like a nail....that hooks my line in for receiving my medications and treatments. She flushed my line and proceeded to take blood. My blood counts were good and that was also a blessing as last time my red and white was low. Another reason I wasn't able to take my treatment; however, the main reason was the condition of my hands and feet from the Hand and Foot Syndrome (HFS) - Palmar Plantar Erythrodysesthesia. I have been so blessed that I have had zero issues with my port. It has worked perfectly every time. I know of some patients who have even had blood clots in their ports; however, so issues and it has flushed out good. After getting all hooked up, I am ready to go back to the waiting room.

The lady at the welcome/sign-in station had commented to Ashleigh and I that she really needed a cup of coffee this morning. So, my sweet Ashleigh responds that she is about to go to Starbucks at get her a cup of coffee and would love to bring her a cup back. She was reluctant to accept such an offer and of course wanted to pay, but Ashleigh assured her that it was her pleasure and she would be blessed by doing that small gesture for her. So she accepted and Ashleigh brought her back Starbucks largest coffee....just like she wanted it. Ashleigh also brought me back one of their healthy juice drinks and the Cheese Danish Pastries. They are one of my very special treats because I can actually taste them in their full goodness. When they are fresh and warm....absolutely delicious....just like the taste of fresh baked bread out of the oven. They have been a treat for me since I have barely been able to taste anything else or what I do taste is not good.

I wait a bit, but am called back for a consultation with Dr. Bondly. A gown was laid out for me to have a check up, but I was checked a week ago when I had a consultation which was supposed to be prior to a chemo treatment. Since I did not have chemo, there was no need for an exam. Dr. Bondly was pleased that my blood work was good, but she was extremely pleased with the condition of my hands. She said that she did not expect them to have healed so well since she saw me a week ago. I told her that I had been using the prescription cream along with several others many times a day. I also coat them and use medical gloves to sleep in and do the same to my feet and cover them with socks. She told me that my overall look was so much better and brighter. She knew how upset that I was that I had to delay my treatment by a week, but I told her that it turned out to be a wonderful blessing to me and my family. She told me that I would be able to have a chemo treatment, but that she was going to reduce the dosage by 25%. She assured me that it should not effect or cause my cancer to have an opportunity to spread. Although it can happen, it is rare. Lowering my dosage by 25% will cause me to have less burning of my hands and feet and it will be more easily tolerated. She has been concerned about the severity of my burning last time because of the additional complications that could arise from it......along with the pain being horrific. I was so pleased with our consultation today and feel very good about my progress. God is leading and healing me daily and I feel His never ending presence in every step I take.

Dr. Bondly's Nurse Practitioner led me to a bay and then called for Ashleigh to join me. Today, we brought frozen ice packs for me to put my feet and hands on during the Taxotere treatment process. Dr. Bondly said that might help deter Neuropathy and also help with the Hand-Foot Syndrome. We have also read documentation from other patients who had used them in treatment and they had positive results so I will also be doing this my next two treatments. Your hands and feet do not need to have direct contact with the ice or ice packs. Therefore, I wore socks on my feet and gloves on my hands. 

Everything went great and no issues. I received the four nausea medications through my port...and that always includes the "not so fun steroid one" that gives a terrible feeling of hot needles and bee stings in your lower extremities. Thank goodness....the very uncomfortable feeling only last a couple of minutes before it subsides. A very sweet lady sat across from me and she was gifted to also have her daughter sitting with her during treatment. They were from Ashville and takes them about two hours driving times each treatment. She has already had her double mastectomy and has chosen to wait a year before deciding to do reconstruction or not. Her cancer was triple negative and through her genetic testing, she did test positive for the cancer gene; therefore, she has also already had to go through a hysterectomy. It was great to talk to her....especially since she has already gone through some of the things that I have yet ahead of me. She is a strong woman of God and leans heavily on her faith. We bonded because we are both believers, have awesome family support, great prayer warriors, and lean-in to our Father for our direction in leading our care. Our trust is 100% in Him!

My nurse comes over and flushes out my line and I am done with Taxotere chemo treatment number two. YAY! She places the Neulasta body injector on the left side of my stomach. It is the bone marrow stimulant that I get after each treatment. It helps my body make and replenish white blood cells that the chemo destroys. I take a pill daily that aids in alleviating the bone pain that I would otherwise suffer without it because of this Neulasta medication. It is truly a life-saver. Although my white cell count was down a bit a week ago, I have had no serious issues with my red or white. My red did get low, but Dr. Bondly put me on a daily iron pill; however, she has now told me that I can take it two or three times a week and not every day. YAY!

It didn't take but a couple hours after me being back at home to start sensing a familiar feeling in my hands and feet. They were already tingling. I had not been able to wear any of my rings for the last three weeks....since my last Taxotere treatment. When I looked at my hands, they were already turning red between my fingers and had already started to swell and get the "stove-pipe" look. I panicked a bit as I could barely get my wedding rings off. I did NOT want to have to cut them off so I just pushed through the pain and managed to get them off. Praise God! They are sensitive; however, they have not got any worse today. I pray that my hands and feet do not get any worse because this is very manageable and for that I am so thankful! As always....there are other side-effects such as nausea and diarrhea, but I can deal with both. I do get tired more easily than I would like....especially if I have to go up and down my stairs a lot. But, those are things you just deal with and in the scheme of having cancer as they are a small price to pay for the reward of being completely well again.

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sister, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." Spoken by the brother of Jesus, James, in Chapter 1 - Verses 2-4.

I can't thank you all words are not at all express how much I appreciate every prayer, every card, every text, every post response, and every Facebook private message that I receive. I love you all so much! You all are lifting and encouraging me in my cancer journey in so many ways that you don't even know. Keep lifting me before our Father daily as I feel each one and I know they are bringing healing to my body as we chase this cancer away. 

I am feeling really good! Today is my steroid boost day so I have extra energy. Taxotere has some really negative side-effects, but the good thing is that it does not make me have chemo brain and I don't as tired. I actually feel good and since my Hand-Foot Syndrome is not as severe this time....I think these next two weeks are going to go really well. YAY!

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer   #GodisHealing    #PrayforaCure     #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  #HeProtectsMe

#WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow    #GodisinControl    #GodisaGoodGod    #PraiseGod    #ThankYouJesus
#MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  #CrushingCancer
#CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed   #MyGoalisCancerFree


  1. I praise God for the good report and that your hands and feet look so much better.

    I praise both God and you for your writing your blogs and for the spirit you have to see the “good” in all of this. I have been praying since we last messaged each other. My computer has been down since Wednesday morning so I haven’t been able to keep up with you, but it seems to be working now. I can get on Facebook, but can’t get onto my “Microsoft Word” things yet. It should be fixed today.

    I continue my prayers on your behalf. I am so glad to see the successes so far and that your pain has diminished. Praying more than ever each day. I love you so much.

  2. Thank you my dear sweet sister-friend for lifting me in prayer everyday and for encouraging me in so many ways in my journey with cancer. You are so very special to me! You have such a loving, compassionate heart! Your conversations with our Father and your pleadings on my behalf keep me before Him and He is listening...He IS healing me! Thank you for being you. Love and appreciate you so much! 💗


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