
Showing posts from September, 2019

CANCER: Learning Patience in the Journey

One of the things you are definitely challenged to put into practice is patience when dealing with medical issues. Last Wednesday, I had MRI's on my right shoulder and left knee. I was told that my Orthopedic Specialist, Dr. Elkus, would contact me by Friday with the results.  Well, today is Monday and no phone call. So....I just called the office and was told by the person who checked my file, "IF Dr. Elkus can give the results over the phone - he does - but, if not he does i t in an appointment. So, for some reason he is not giving me the results over the phone and I will have to wait until October 2nd.  It is crazy how they drop things like that in your lap and offer no further explanation. Not cool! If I didn't have cancer, I, of course, would not be as concerned.....(and I was referred to this doctor by my Medical Oncologist). Henceforth, that adds a different element of "wonder" into the equation.  I believe that it will be fine, but just hate having

CANCER: A Journey Through Fire

Yes, I have been on the go trying not to allow Hand-Foot Syndrome to stop me. Saturday, I started my second week of chemo for this round. Usually, the HFS gets progressively worse about mid-way of my second week; however, this time the redness and pain were pretty bad yesterday and worse today.  It can cause internal problems and blood issues so that is why we have to strive to keep it in control. My hands have a greater tendency toward neuropathy but so far it disappears aft er I’m off the chemo during my break time. It is painful, sensitive, and burns....sorta hard to describe, but I will be ok. My Medical Oncologist, Dr. Bondly, also wants me to start this week taking the “lifetime” hormone/estrogen suppression pill, Letrozole. I am also starting this week (for 90 days) on an anti-inflammatory medication, Meloxicam. Before September 10, 2018...I rarely took an Ibuprofen and now, I have a medicine chest full, but I know it is helping to heal, I continue forward.

Devotional: Set Free Through Jesus.....

Our Father wanted us, but it took the action of the Son to get us. We are saved by adoption. "God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure." Ephesians 1:5 "So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, no r is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26-28 Amen! Being "in Christ" means we have the same power in us which raised Jesus from the dead.....we've already got that power. We don't have to sin anymore...we have been set free in Jesus to not participate in wrong, BUT.....if and when we do, we have the blood of Jesus that covers us. We are free to let God lead us. We can ask God at anytime to give us guidance because He

Devotional: Walk In Faith......

When going through life’s struggles, we have two options… we can turn to God or we can turn away from God. We can praise him in the middle of our pain or we can cast blame on him for what we are going through. We are free to choose the direction and the path that we want to travel down. God was with me before I was diagnosed with cancer, on the day I was diagnosed with cancer, and every day since. He has strengthened me and has drawn me ever closer to Him through my journey with cancer. It is not His desire that any of His children suffer or even have to die… it is a result of the world in which we live. However, He will see us through whatever we face and He has promised us that the best is yet to come. And, it is that promise in which we must all cling to..… especially in our darkest days.  Amen! The more time you spend in the Scriptures, the more you spend time talking to God, Our Father....and time spent giving yourself over to the work of The Holy Spirit

MRI's....Dreading Was Worse Than Reality

Today, September 18, 2019, I have two MRI’s on my left knee and the other on my right shoulder. I am extremely claustrophobic and am not looking forward to this process. I was told that they’re going to inject a needle in my right shoulder which I think is for a contrast dye. All of it has me a little anxious.  My Medical Oncologist gave me a 5 mg Valium to take To help with the claustrophobia. A little medicine goes along way with me, but I’m not sure if I should take one only or  take one and wait 15 minutes or so and take a second one. I don’t want to be completely knocked out… that’s for sure.  🙂  I am just not familiar with Valium or how it will affect me personally. Any of you who have had this experience or have used Valium for MRI's… and/or have had the contrast dye put in the shoulder, I would like to hear from you. Prayers are appreciated. UPDATE: It is over and all went well. Yes, I felt the contrast shots, but the medical professionals were great

CANCER: My Journey Continues......

Happy Thursday y’all! Bloodwork, check-up, and consultation with my Medical Oncologist, Dr. Kara Bondly today. UPDATE: Dr. Bondly was concerned with the condition of my hands and feet since I have been off chemo this round since Saturday and am scheduled to start back this Saturday. I also have mild neuropathy in my hands. I told her that I did not want to lower my we will play it by ear. My bloodwork was all good. YAY! After leaving Oncology, I went upstairs to  the Alabama Rx and got my next 2 weeks supply of oral chemo, Xeloda. My arm and knee MRI’s are scheduled for next Wednesday. I also scheduled Physical Therapy to start Monday. I started the oral steroid yesterday and today I have a terrible headache. I never have headaches...unless rain is in the I contribute it to the new medication. I can’t take an over-the-counter medication for a headache while on this medicine so I am going to try Essential Oils and/or my Hemp CBD Ointment. Overall, I am doing gr

Devotional: Walking On A Road With Jesus.....

On the road to Emmaus two men were walking away from Jerusalem. They were leaving the story….they were down, discouraged, and had given up. Jesus, unknowing to them, starts walking along with them and questions them as to what they are talking about. Later, over a meal, He reveals himself to them and He turns them around. He sends them back into the story….back to Jerusalem to join the disciples gathered there. Jesus wants these two men to let the disciples know that everything has changed.  The women had already told their story of what was found when they went early to the tomb, but no one was believed in what they had to say. It just sounded too crazy! I find it interesting, but somewhat expected that women would be chosen to go to the tomb fist and find it empty. Women were the also the first to tell that Jesus the Christ had risen from the dead. Women were always used in prominent rolls throughout the Old and New Covenant.  While the two men were talking….Jesus enters th

A New Doctor.....A New Issue/Issues

So on the 1 year anniversary of my diagnoses with Bilateral Breast Cancer, I had to go see a new doctor. Since my infused chemo and my double mastectomy, I have been dealing with pain in my left knee and my right shoulder and upper right arm.  My Medical Oncologist, Dr. Bondly, set me up with an appointment to see Dr. Mark Elkus of the Orthopedic Group of Birmingham. She wanted me to have both checked out to see what was going on and especially to rule out any cancer. I had se veral xrays and found out that I have "severe" arthritis that covers my knee under the knee-cap. In addition, I have a torn MCL. In the shoulder, I have Tendonitis and Bone Spurs in my right shoulder. He is ordering me a knee brace with extra support on both sides of the knee. He also prescribed a steroid medication and an anti-inflammatory medicine.  I will also have to start physical therapy. And.....I am being scheduled for an MRI on my shoulder and an MRI on my left knee at St. Vincent's

Devotional: We are His Community.....

We look at Scriptures a they point toward the Word of God Who is Jesus the Son of God....our Messiah, the Anointed One. We are His community and the Bible is our community story. And, like all community stories, there are parts that we might wish that weren't there....but, they are there. They are our story....profitable, useful, valuable, holy....leading to righteousness.  The "church" was active, vibrant, and growing all over the Roman Empire long before Paul wrote his books . He wrote his books to encourage what they were already doing. We often act as if the New Testament gave us the church, but as brother Leroy Garrett said, "the church gave us the New Testament and not the other way around."  The "Good News" of Jesus was in existence and powerful long before the New Testament books were gathered or even written. God wants us to walk together in unity....and our unity comes through our love of Jesus....not through an agreement of rules and res

Devotional: Thoughts on a Saturday Night

Many people sincerely believe that God is pleased by rules and rule keeping; therefore, we want to know the rules. Then, when we think we have figured out the rules, we demand that all others adhere to our rules or we can't associate with you. In the First Century the Jews wanted rules, and wanted to put their rules on others so they hassled the new Christians….the Gentiles. Some, like the Jews, want to lay-down rules for the “other guy” in order for them to be “approved.” In this case, the debate was requirement for the Gentiles to be circumcised. So, the question was brought to the Jerusalem Council – the only elders meeting mentioned in Scripture - in Acts 15. Everyone was invited….there was no closed door meeting. The Council listened as both sides gave their argument. James quotes from the Book of Amos 9 and clarifies that God is here for everyone. What does that entail? That God is not looking for conformity. We can look at nature and see that God has never shown us

CANCER: A 6 Month Milestone.....Journey to Wellness

I never doubted....not even for one day....that I was not going to be healed. God laid these words from Jeremiah 30:17 on my heart through His Holy Spirit from the beginning of my journey. I knew it was going to be tough and some days I might even come close to death, but I knew....I knew with a faith-filled heart....that He wasn't done with me. He assured me that my testimony of over-coming would bring glory to Him. That is why I have shared the good, the bad, and the really ugly all along my almost year-long journey. He deserves all glory and honor for my healing and I will sing His praises all the days of my life.  Today marks 6-months from the date of my life-altering surgery. It was so difficult to face myself in the mirror. I reflect back to the early days when I was still covered with bandages, but all around them I could see the black and blue bruises.  Days passed, after the bandages were removed, that I could barely look at myself because I was so swollen,