CANCER: Learning Patience in the Journey

One of the things you are definitely challenged to put into practice is patience when dealing with medical issues. Last Wednesday, I had MRI's on my right shoulder and left knee. I was told that my Orthopedic Specialist, Dr. Elkus, would contact me by Friday with the results. 

Well, today is Monday and no phone call. So....I just called the office and was told by the person who checked my file, "IF Dr. Elkus can give the results over the phone - he does - but, if not he does it in an appointment. So, for some reason he is not giving me the results over the phone and I will have to wait until October 2nd. 

It is crazy how they drop things like that in your lap and offer no further explanation. Not cool! If I didn't have cancer, I, of course, would not be as concerned.....(and I was referred to this doctor by my Medical Oncologist). Henceforth, that adds a different element of "wonder" into the equation. 

I believe that it will be fine, but just hate having to wait when I was told that I should have received it this past Friday. For whatever reason, waiting it will be and I get to apply more patience into my situation. 😁 

God is leading and He keeps me covered with His mighty protection with the ability to remain strong. 

Thank y'all for listening and prayers are a treasure. 💕


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