Devotional: Walking On A Road With Jesus.....

On the road to Emmaus two men were walking away from Jerusalem. They were leaving the story….they were down, discouraged, and had given up. Jesus, unknowing to them, starts walking along with them and questions them as to what they are talking about. Later, over a meal, He reveals himself to them and He turns them around. He sends them back into the story….back to Jerusalem to join the disciples gathered there. Jesus wants these two men to let the disciples know that everything has changed. 

The women had already told their story of what was found when they went early to the tomb, but no one was believed in what they had to say. It just sounded too crazy! I find it interesting, but somewhat expected that women would be chosen to go to the tomb fist and find it empty. Women were the also the first to tell that Jesus the Christ had risen from the dead. Women were always used in prominent rolls throughout the Old and New Covenant. 

While the two men were talking….Jesus enters the room….standing among them, He simply says, “Peace be with you.” He tried to make them feel comfortable….to feel at ease. Jesus showed the gathered His hands and side and at that moment, the disciples were overjoyed because they recognized Him and saw that He was the Lord. Once again, Jesus said, “Peace be with you!” Then, Jesus breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” 

Why would Jesus breathe on them? It might seem strange, but think back to Genesis. Everything in the universe came about through the speaking of God….except for you and me. Humans were handmade. He did not speak us into existence, He formed us and then He breathed upon them and they became living souls. When Jesus walked through the door these people are dead in their fear and isolation, they didn’t believe the story of the women….so Jesus walks through the door and breathes on them. Be alive….everything has changed. It’s not the same anymore. We are different now. So are you and so am I.

No matter where we are on the road, Jesus wants to meet with us. No matter if you are young or old, man or woman….no matter who you are, no matter who your nation is, Jesus wants to meet you on the road, tell you His story, and by telling you His story….turn you around and bring you to a new country, a new people…..a new family….His family. All are welcomed. Amen! Be Blessed!

The references to Scripture I used in this devotional can be found in these Books and Chapters: Luke 24 – John 20 – Genesis 2


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