Devotional: Walk In Faith......

When going through life’s struggles, we have two options… we can turn to God or we can turn away from God. We can praise him in the middle of our pain or we can cast blame on him for what we are going through. We are free to choose the direction and the path that we want to travel down.

God was with me before I was diagnosed with cancer, on the day I was diagnosed with cancer, and every day since. He has strengthened me and has drawn me ever closer to Him through my journey with cancer. It is not His desire that any of His children suffer or even have to die… it is a result of the world in which we live. However, He will see us through whatever we face and He has promised us that the best is yet to come. And, it is that promise in which we must all cling to..… especially in our darkest days.  Amen!

The more time you spend in the Scriptures, the more you spend time talking to God, Our Father....and time spent giving yourself over to the work of The Holy will draw closer to Him and will become more in tune with His presence and guidance. The more you let go...and that is hard...the more your faith will increase. God is where He has always been… He is waiting for us to draw to Him in a closer relationship.

Once we open that door and allow Him to truly take over, the blessings are amazing and your faith will naturally grow in ways beyond your imagination. Pray for His guidance, His direction and His leading. But, when you do....You must be willing to let Him Have that control.

I also want to not compare your walk or your faith to that of anyone else. In Luke 17, we read the apostles asking for more faith and what does Jesus reply? He tells them if they have faith as tiny as a mustard seed they can do amazing things. It is in Jesus and in all He has done that we put our faith.

That is our saving faith. I know you have that. A “deeper” faith wherein we trust Him with the day-to-day things of life we struggle with will come in time....and drawing closer to Him in the ways I mentioned above will help your trust to blossom. 

Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t believe you are where you need to be....put more effort into it. However, that doesn’t lose your salvation. You have that if you are a faith-filled, baptized believer. 


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