CANCER: A 6 Month Milestone.....Journey to Wellness

I never doubted....not even for one day....that I was not going to be healed. God laid these words from Jeremiah 30:17 on my heart through His Holy Spirit from the beginning of my journey. I knew it was going to be tough and some days I might even come close to death, but I knew....I knew with a faith-filled heart....that He wasn't done with me. He assured me that my testimony of over-coming would bring glory to Him. That is why I have shared the good, the bad, and the really ugly all along my almost year-long journey. He deserves all glory and honor for my healing and I will sing His praises all the days of my life. 

Today marks 6-months from the date of my life-altering surgery. It was so difficult to face myself in the mirror. I reflect back to the early days when I was still covered with bandages, but all around them I could see the black and blue bruises. 

Days passed, after the bandages were removed, that I could barely look at myself because I was so swollen, bruised, and scarred. It was so painful to look at myself in the mirror and see what was reflecting back. I was a mess….broken, yet strong. But, it still took me a while before I could even think of touching my chest. Part of my chest was sensitive, but so much of it was left numb with zero feeling. It is like touching someone else’s skin because that sensitivity no longer is present. I would look in the mirror and see this image standing there looking back......chest marred, hydration starved, sickly bald woman with no eyebrows or eyelashes and it was tough not to let the feelings of "ugly" take over. But, God continued to point out that the me was still there....I was still inside beneath all the changes that had happened to the outward me. 

As days moved forward, I began to see my scars in a new light. They are a symbol of fighting and of winning a war against a disease that tried to take my life. My scars are now a part of who I am. Just as Jesus wore His scars after His resurrection that identified Who He was, mine are also and identifier of me. They show me that I am a strong warrior. And, they are also a reminder that God alerted me that I needed to get to a doctor as something very bad was going on in my body…..and He wanted me to live.

I have been amazed at the inward fortitude and tenacity that awakens when we are forced to face fear or the unknown. God is so amazing and He powers us up to withstand what we alone might not be able to handle or at least handle it very well…..that is for sure. Jesus walking the journey, God leading the way, and the Holy Spirit as your inward guide is an awesome Three Who provide the strength and courage to get through all the bad stuff, rejoice with you in the victories, and cover you with outrageous blessings along the way. 

I am so blessed and thankful for each of you who have walked and continue to walk this journey with me. You have lifted me up, prayed over me, and shown your love to me in ways that I would have never have imagined. God’s children are so faithful to show up at just the right moments. You have all helped to carry my load in so many ways that have touched my heart, have encouraged me, and have embraced me.

Prayers are a treasured gift and I thank y'all for each one that has been lifted to our Father calling out my name before Him. Prayers do make a difference!

God is leading and He is healing!
I thank you all for your continued prayers. I pray for all of you as well and thank God for all of you. Love y'all!

If you feel led to make a "love offering," all 
assistance is appreciated. 

GoFundMe Account:

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy   
#GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors

#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus


  1. Thank you, Diane, for being a faithful prayer warrior and friend. Love you. 💓

  2. I am still so proud of your writing and of you. You live in my heart, my thoughts and my prayers. Full steam ahead.

    1. I love you so much and your sistership has meant more than you know. You are so sweet, thoughtful, and an awesome prayer warrior. Thank you.


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