
Showing posts from September, 2018

CANCER: Fight Cancer With Food......

I wish that I would have taken what I have read over the years about cancer prevention and put it into practice on a regular basis. Now, I have bilateral breast cancer and know that it is in at least one lymph node. It is my hope to try to help YOU not be where I am today. And, also I will now use all of the foods, minerals, vitamins, essential oils, herbs, and spices to fight against this cancer within me.  By the help and healing of The Great Physician and Holy Creator, I will be successful.....I WILL be a survivor! Please keep me in your daily prayers. The journey will be long, but I am ready for the fight. One of the best ways to fight back is in what we consume....what we eat and drink.  Contrary to popular opinion, early detection is not your best protection. It’s better than late detection, but it doesn't prevent anything. With a current lifetime cancer risk of one in two, many people wonder if cancer is really preventable . Largely, yes! And by our own diet and lifesty

CANCER: My Breast Cancer Journey Continues - With Hundreds By My Side......

Went to my breast cancer surgeon today. Had an exam and consultation. I will have a Pet Scan on Monday. PLEASE pray for zero spread and that it is contained in the breasts and lymph node. This is a crucial test and the results are monumental in my treatment and recovery. Thank you all for being so faithful to lift me before our gracious Father. He has all power to heal! I am claiming earthly healing in the Mighty Name of Jesus in order that I can be used longer here for His glory. Amen!  I just received a message from a sister-friend,  B Carol , who I have never met in person, but over the years, we have bonded through Facebook because of our sisterhood of being one in Jesus. She wanted to let me know that not only is she praying for me, but around 500 precious souls in Ohio are as well. WOW! I am so overwhelmed with tears of thanksgiving. I am so blessed!  I told my breast surgeon today that I had hundreds of believers praying for me....and she also said, "And,  I am one o

CANCER: My Prayer.....Two Weeks in this Cancer Journey

My prayer for tonight..... Merciful Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, I come before You asking for Your healing power to wash over me. Touch my body where cancer is found, intervene it its mission, dear Father, and stop it, reverse it, remove it, I plead. My hope is in You as our Healer, our Great Physician. I believe You are more than able to do this. Your Name is Jehovah Rapha, the God Who heals, and I believe every knee will bow to You including this cancer living withi n me. Thank You, Sweet Jesus, for dying on the cross so that we can receive healing….earthly and eternal. You say that You forgive our sins and heal our diseases, and I Praise You for this. Thank You that the Spirit Who raised You from the dead lives in us believing disciples. I stand in faith believing for healing for myself, as well as, others who are also crying out to You for healing. Nothing is impossible for You, God! Give us peace and direction as You work in our lives. Work a miracle in me! Cast out this

CANCER: Emotions.........

Listening to and singing along with Christian music really takes me to a higher place. Sometimes, I like to just listen with my eyes closed, arms open raised to God, and allow the blessings to shower over me and fill me with His wondrous hope and presence.  Cancer is real and emotions are real. Our emotions, given to us by God....our Holy Creator, by no means lesson our faith and trust in Him. They are our way...that He gave express openly our hurt, pain, and disappo intment. Pain, sorrow, heartbreak, illness, and disappointments are REAL!  We can shed tears and our emotions can run the gamut; however, they do not define who we are in Him. Our emotions are a part of our DNA; however, our faith-filled hope and trust in the unseen and unknown is only because of a supernatural, loving faith we have in the One Who gave us life and Who died to give us eternal life.  In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I am being healed. Amen! †  "Let God transform you into a new person by cha

He Has the Power! Cancer Journey: Day 14

Our God is a God of miracles! Just as we read about in the Bible, we still see Him perform miraculous healing today. He is our Healer, our Great Physician. We can, with faith-filled confidence, approach Him asking for healing for ourselves, for family, and for anyone. What a huge blessing that is! In faith, I plead with Him for healing for myself and for all who are suffering illness and disease. He has the power! We must proclaim His power and goodness, believing and trusting Him to take care of us and to bless us with complete healing. Amen! † “Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” – Psalm 103:2-5 #GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve #BeatCancer   #GodisHealing    #PrayforaCure     #PrayerWarriors

Cancer Journey Day #12

Prayer Warriors....Please pray a special prayer for me this afternoon. I just got a call from my doctor’s office letting me know that the results from my biopsies from Wednesday are in. These results will include my lymph node results so this is huge. Please pray that my nodes are clear and that the cancer has NOT spread. Thank you all!  "Anything is possible if a person believes." - Mark 9:23 UPDATE: Consultation with Doctor Tataria today for Wednesday's biopsy results: God is Powerful! God is a God of Healing….a God of Miracles! I am trusting Him with faith-filled hope believing that He will remove this cancer from my body. I believe that He will direct my Oncologist and my Surgeon to make the best decisions in my treatment in order to bring me to surviving cancer. The battle is real and it is not going to be easy, but I will fight and give it my all. I have so much to live for and I know that Jesus will be holding my hand on days that are not as tough and He will c

CANCER: Fragile to Happy......A Cancer Journey - 11 Days In

This morning I woke up feeling pretty fragile. In the past 10 days since my diagnoses I have stayed away from Google. Last night, right before going to bed, I let myself go to Google for only a couple of minutes because I wanted to look up one word.....but that is all it took. I ended up in tears and started getting too much in my head. I was not going to look at all, but just wanted to look at one thing. It is not anything I planned to do at all in this journey and it only took me a couple of minutes to know that I won't make that mistake again. As soon as Michael and Ashleigh  knew that I was feeling sad, they....along with Norah Jane and me out of the house for the rest of the day. Best medicine I could have asked for! We enjoyed such a great day together and then the boys joined us after school. God is so good and He has blessed me with the best family to keep my chin up and to fight to win.  💗 Pizza, Bread Sticks and Sauce picnic in the park with my  Ashle

CANCER.....and the Power of Positivity

Fill Your Mouth with Life, Not Death….A lot is at stake in what we say. “Death and Life are in the power of the tongue.” Proverbs 18:21 The tongue can be “a tree of life.” Proverbs 15:4 Speak life and positivity over your illness and disease. Do NOT give it power over you!  Those who are seriously ill, but live their journey covered in positive speech/a positive spirit, and surrounded with positive people, have a chance for better outcomes. Why? Because those who bury themselves in negative speech, thoughts, and negative people tend to give up and stop the fight.  Even the word “Cancer” is scary, but we can’t allow it to scare us “to death.” Fear can be all consuming and debilitating, but even on those darkest days…..Look for His Shining Light. He will guide our path and lead us toward Him. He is the Great Physician, our Holy Creator, and Loving Father.  When in doubt, get into His Word and let Him speak to you. Let the warmth of His Holy Spirit living within bring you co

Cancer - The "Bad"......

One week ago today my journey with cancer began and I cannot say that it has been without a few rough spots. Actually, the "bad" didn't happen last Monday. The "bad" - Cancer - had already happened.....I just was unaware of it. Last Monday God, through His Holy Spirit, started to press-down hard on me....almost causing a panic within me. He was telling me to get to the doctor and to not allow another day to pass. God had already set everything up for me in-order that I could take quick action and get results quickly. After telling Ashleigh and Michael, my children, the urgency I was feeling, Ashleigh told me that she had heard about Camellia Women’s Imaging on Christian Radio and that is where I needed to go. I was able to change my primary doctor on my insurance to a local doctor who in-turn she gave me a referral to have diagnostic mammograms which are much more thorough and detailed than just a mammogram. I talked with the Camellia Women’s Imaging